Chapter 3. Everything I Wanted

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When the song ended, Amelia hurried off stage to the dressing room. She quickly removed her heels and dress, gathered her things and left the club through the back. She caught the Metro to go home. As she was looking out the window, Amelia was in a panic. What was she going to do when she sees Luisita again? How could she be so naïve to think their paths would not cross at some point? She calmed herself as she knew panicking over this would not solve anything. She thought back to when she saw Luisita arriving at the venue wearing a beautiful teal sparkly dress, her blonde hair was straightened and her lips were a solid red, she looked stunning and now thinking back at it Amelia realized she did not stop staring at her the whole time she was singing. Amelia sank into her seat on the metro and left out a groan.

Luisi stood in the club surrounded by people, the only thing that Luisita was aware of was Amelia; the rest of the world faded away. Amelia was singing only to her and Luisita knew. She watched her every move and heard every word she sang. As Amelia held tight to their gaze, no one else existed but them in that room. Luisi, at that instant, did not care if her mind and heart were in a battle, all she knew was that being in that moment only Amelia mattered.

When Amelia finished the song, their eye contact was broken and Amelia left the stage. The audience gave her a grand round of applause. Luisi saw Amelia leave the stage and tried to follow as she wanted to talk to her. But her friends sidetracked her from her mission. Once she got free of them, she made her way over to the MC and asked if she could go backstage to see Amelia. He told her Amelia had already left. Luisi suddenly got a feeling of disconnection. She wandered back over to her friends and kept the party going.

Monday morning, everyone was sitting in class waiting for Professor Ledesma to arrive. They had learned it was better to be early to class. Luisi fidgeted in her seat. She was excited to see Amelia but was so nervous to talk to her. Professor Ledesma arrived right on time and began class in her usual manner. The class noticed she was a bit subdued than her normal enthusiastic lectures. Luisi noticed that Amelia had not looked at her at all during class nor had asked her any questions.

Amelia dismissed the class and quickly gathered her things. Luisi slowly packed her book bag as everyone left the classroom. The only two left were Amelia and Luisita. As Amelia was making her way to the door when she heard Luisita's voice.

"Professor, do you have a minute?" Luisi asked kindly. Amelia stopped next to her seat.

"Is there a problem Luisita?" Amelia asked really not looking at her.

"Umm, no problem really."

"If it is about your thesis or project, make an appt during my office hours." Amelia turned to leave.

"I wanted to tell you that I loved your performance, your voice is magical," Luisi said softly looking at the floor. "I know that you will be a success if you continue to sing." Luisita looked up for a brief second and smiled at her as Amelia finally looked at her, holding her gaze.

"Thank you." Amelia gave her a small smile. "Umm, Luisita I need you to do something for me."

"Sure. What?"

"Please don't tell anyone here at University about my performance at the club." Amelia gently asked.

"No problem. I won't say anything." Luisita gave her a small smile.

"Thank you." Amelia started to walk off when she heard Luisi called after her.

"Amelia." She stopped, turned and faced Luisi. "Will you be singing there again? Because I really think you should. I would love to come and see you again." Luisi was a little excited about the thought of seeing Amelia perform again.

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