Chapter 18. What are you doing here?

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Two weeks after her phone call with Benigna to resolve the situation about the fabrication of the professor, she received a call from Benigna to be in her office tomorrow morning at 9 am sharp. Benigna would not go into detail about the meeting other than to be there on time.

During these long two weeks, she and Luisita were able to stay in touch only by phone. Amelia was adamant that they shouldn't be seen together outside of class or with other students in her office. She would not give Luisi a reason for the separation other than to say that it was to protect her until the situation resolved itself. Amelia reassured her that once the problem was solved then things would get back to normal. Luisi was less than convinced but took Amelia at her word. Amelia did not like this arrangement any more than Luisi did but she was resolved in her decision. She had a performance that weekend at Los Dos Reinas. She knew that would be a good distraction.

Luisi was so on edge because of this "nonsense" that Amelia was doing. She didn't have any idea what was going on because Amelia was so closed about it but she would trust her for now. But if things didn't change soon she was going to meet Amelia head-on, literally. Maria had come over a few times to take her mind off the separation but she wasn't too successful. But she didn't give up trying. Saturday night was approaching and Maria decided it was time to get Luisi out of her apartment and back into the world, she called Luisi.

"Hello" Luisi finally answered the persistent ringing phone.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Maria was being upbeat.

"The same thing I have been doing for the past two weeks, sitting alone in my apartment," Luisi said sarcastically.

"Great and that is about to change. So, get yourself ready and put on something nice because we are going out." Maria told her.

"No, Maria, I don't feel like going out," Luisi replied trying to beg off.

"I am not taking no for an answer Luisi. Now, get ready and I'll be over in an hour to pick you up." Maria directed and hung up before Luisi could refuse again. Luisi looked at her phone and tossed it on the sofa next to her. She reluctantly got up and headed to the shower. By the time Maria arrived, Luisi has dressed and ready to go.

"Where are we going?" Luisi asked as they walked to the Uber that Maria had gotten.

"It's a surprise," Maria told her.

"Uh no, Maria. I'm not anywhere until you tell me where we are going. I have had enough mystery and not knowing anything, so fess up or I'm going back in." Luisi demanded, stopping dead in her tracks with her arms folded across her chest.

"Luisi, come on. It will be fun, you'll see." Maria reached for her arm to pull her to the car.

"No, Maria. Tell me now!" Luisi was steadfast.

"Ok, ok. We are going to go to Los Dos Reinas." Maria gave in and told her.

"No, not there Maria. It will remind me too much of Amelia." Luisi held her place.

"Luisi, it will be ok. You need to get out. So get in the car and let's go." Maria insisted. "Luisi! Let's go."

"Fine, but I won't enjoy myself." Luisi climbed into the car and they were off to the club.

They arrived at a packed house but Maria wisely had called ahead for a reservation and they sailed past the line waiting to get in. They found a table in the middle and close to the bar. Luisi took a seat as Maria went to the bar and got them some drinks. Maria returned to the table with fresh drinks and got comfortable. She could tell Luisi was not in a chatty mood. Moments later the MC came to the microphone to introduce the opening performance for the night. The first act was a female duo of stand-up comics. They were like skit performers but were very good and hilarious. Luisi actually laughed. Her mood was improving. There was a short intermission before the next performance. Maria took advantage of it and got them a couple more drinks and excused herself to the ladies' room. Maria got back in time before the MC took the mic to introduce the next performer.

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