Chapter 10. Welcome to Barcelona

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The week seemed to creep by for Amelia. She was not used to having all this free time. She packed and repacked a half dozen times. She called Ana a dozen times on fashion suggestions. To burn off the nervous energy she sang and danced around her apartment. When she wasn't preoccupied with the thousand things she needed to do, her mind filled with thoughts and images of Luisita. Her train was leaving for Barcelona early that afternoon. She called Ana one more time telling her that she changed her mind and that she wasn't going. Ana told her to stop being ridiculous and get on the train and enjoy herself for the next three days.

Amelia called an Uber to take her to the train station. The train ride would take about three hours. She would arrive early enough to check-in, do a little bit of sightseeing and have dinner before the conference began Friday morning. She arrived in Barcelona, caught the hotel bus with luggage in tow. Amelia began to feel relaxed and excited about being out of Madrid for a few days. It was going to be a great time.

Bang! Bang! was all Luisi heard. She rolled over and realized that the banging was coming from her front door. She half threw on her robe and shuffled to the door. When she opened it, she found Maria standing on the over side with two large cups of coffee in her hands. Maria pushed through the door, handing Luisi on the coffees.

"Luisi, do you know what time it is?" Maria asked, looking at the disheveled creature standing there before her.

"Too early in the morning for me, Maria. I worked at the radio station last night. It was late when I got home and now, I need to go back to sleep." Luisi explained half asleep.

"No sleep for you. You need to get in the shower. We need to pack because your train leaves in two hours, Luisi." Maria informed her as she led Luisi in the direction of the bathroom.

"Two hours!!!" Luisi bellowed. Maria pushed her into the bathroom.

"Yes, two hours. Now shower. I'll start packing. Twenty minutes later Luisi strolled out of the bathroom with wet hair, no makeup and just a robe on. Maria took one look at her, telling her to go back to the bathroom and do something about her hair and face and to pack her makeup bag while she was in there. Luisi started to whine but Maria cut her off.

"We need to leave in forty-five minutes in order to make your train. So, move it." Maria ordered.

Forty-five minutes later Luisi was dressed, hair and makeup done and a packed suitcase. Maria had an Uber waiting for them when they went downstairs. During the ride to the train station, Maria reviewed the checklist for Luisi again. Luisi was still tired, and a little annoyed with the whole checklist thing but they arrived at the train station before Luisi realized it. Maria gathered her suitcase and asked the driver to wait. She led Luisi into the station and right to her platform. The upside for Luisi is that she would be able to sleep on the train. Maria gave Luisi a big hug and kiss and sent her on her way. Luisi found her seat by the window, she waved at Maria. In moments the train was moving and Luisi drifted off.

Three hours later she arrived at the Barcelona train station. She debarked and hailed a taxi to the hotel. All Luisi could think about was taking a nap once she got checked in. The hotel was gorgeous. Maria forgot to mention this was a five-star hotel; The Marriott Hotel W on Placa Rosa del Vents. The hotel was unique to Barcelona with its ultra-modern architectural design of chrome and glass in the shape of a sloped letter D. It sat facing the ocean, but from just every room you had a view of the ocean and the city. The interior was on a grand scale in shades of blues, light browns, and accents of red. It hosted almost every amenity one could need in a hotel. Chandeliers were pieces of modern art that hung from the tall ceilings, along with inlaid floor lighting that gave the hotel different ambiances when moving from one space to another.

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