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Three years later. Amelia's first album broke out to the number two slot on the charts and her first single remained at the number one spot for 4 months. Amelia and Luisi had traveled all over the world when Amelia went on tour. Amelia was a huge success and her music career never waned. She had two more successful albums and her singles always remained in the top ten. She won three Grammy awards and always took Luisi on the stage with her when she won.

Luisita had been head hunted by some top-notch communication firms from Spain to the US. She took a position in a national communication network as a commentator for a news network in Madrid. She started out as doing local and state coverage of government. She was so popular that the network gave her own evening show, La Hora de la Mujer (The Woman's Hour). She was immensely popular discussing currents events and how the affected women all over the world.

There came a time when they decided to get off the merry go round of their careers and settle down. They decide to go to Valencia for a needed break. When they arrived at the Gomez home, they walked in, and the family meet them at the door. When Manuela saw what Luisi had in her arms, she cried. Luisi handed the baby to her mother and said,

"This is Emma Valentina Maria Ledesma Gomez."

All was right in the world. There was a new life to carry the love of Amelia and Luisita Gomez Ledesma.

                                                                         Paz y Felicidad a Todas!!!!

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