Chapter 7: You Scratch My Back, I'll Scratch Yours

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I know I've been treating this as reality since my second day here, but even after that, there was still this small voice of hope in the back of my head that told me this was all a dream.

But this is all to vivid to be a dream.

Don't misunderstand, I've had plenty of vivid dreams. But in those dreams, I was doing something extraordinary. Something that was humanly impossible. Like flying, or breathing underwater while swimming with mermaids. Then becoming a mermaid.

I've even dreamt of a completely different world, made up of nothing other than sweet treats and candy.

Peppermint candy cane bridges, cotton candy ground, licorice trees with cotton candy and gum drops for the tops, gigantic lollipops and chocolate bars growing out of the ground.

I had that dream several years ago, and I still remember it just as vividly.

It felt real, but then I woke up.

That's the thing about dreams. Eventually, you wake up. Usually just when you're getting to the good part too.

But this place? Everything is vivid. Even the dreadfully boring and mundane. Like sitting here, in this chair, starring out of this giant window.

And after having woken up a second time, in the very same predicament, and not back in Ashley's apartment, I've come to the firm, and final decision that this in fact not a dream.

If you could call it anything other than reality, it would be like a never ending nightmare.

So, with that in mind, I think the best thing I can do is try to move on.

Before, I was trying to convince Sherlock to help me. But now, I just want to leave. At this point I'll do anything to get home.

"Look L... it is L, right? Just let me go. Please?"


"What can I do to convince you?!" I shout, resulting in him just staring me down, coldly.

I sigh heavily. "Look, I have information about the killer that I know will be useful to you. All I ask is that you let me go. I just want to go back to Columbus and try to live a normal life, okay? Besides, you said yourself, I'm nothing but a burden to you! So I'm willing to have faith that if I give you that information, in return, I'm free to leave. You'll never have to see me again."

"You couldn't possibly have information on Kira." He scoffs.

"Kira?" I repeat back. "No, that's not his name. He's a high school student named Light. And don't ask me for the last name because I have no idea what it is. But, his dad is a police officer, if that helps. I think he might even be the police Chief, but I could be wrong."

He glares at me, obviously unamused. "You idiot, Kira isn't a name! It's the Japanese word for killer!"

"Well how the hell was I suppose to know?! I don't speak Japanese!"

He simply looks at me, dumbfounded.

"Either way, I told you who he is, so can you please let me go? My wrists are sore and starting to bruise, I'd like to sleep in an actual bed, without restraints. I want something to eat other than sweets."

His look is still cold, and before he even speaks, I know the answer is no. The air is thick with tension, and remains Sō with each passing second he doesn't answer. Is he actually considering?

"At this point, I don't see why I couldn't release you. You're so delusional, you virtually pose no real threat."

"Yes, delusional. Thank you." I genuinely say, because I'm just glad that he's letting me leave.

And at this point, I'm starting to believe I'm actually delusional. Surely that's the cause for all this.

I'm just going crazy.

After walking me over to the door of the hotel room, he frees me of the restraints, with a clear imprint left from them on my wrists.

I rub them, and sigh softly in relief. I take a glance at him to find him looking at my wrists. I can't help but roll my eyes.

"Welp, bye detective man. I'd say it was nice meeting you, but it wasn't." I say, opening the door.

To my surprise, he says nothing in return. So without sparing another glance, or wasting another word, I leave, shutting the door behind me.

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