Chapter 19: And The Unbelievable Truth

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The small cafe is bustling with busy staff and patrons alike. The bitter aroma of freshly brewed coffee and sweet whipping cream is welcoming. L adds four more scoops of sugar to his cup, and gently stirs, as he watches the waitress place his cake, and Katelyns drink down on the table.

Katelyn had thought it best to get a table away from prying eyes and straining hears, but in all honesty, if security were an issue he wouldn't be here. No, being at this cafe is the least of his concerns.

"Is there anything else I can get you?" It seemed odd how attentive the waitress has been, as the shop seems very busy today. But L chooses to ignores it.

"No, that's all, thank you." Katelyn responds quickly. She only glances at the cafe employee. Barely enough to show recognition of the waitresses presence. That's unusual. By now L knows most of her mannerisms, and this isn't one.

With her, most things are said and done with a smile. Especially when offering her gratitude.

But not now.

L completely dismisses his analysis when he sees the wide grin and quick wink the waitress gives her, before walking away.

Ls resting fingers twitch on his knee, and he silently studies her reaction. But Katelyn didn't seem to have one. Did she notice? Surely L didn't imagine that. No, of course not. The waitress was flirting with her, and she has no idea.

Is that what is considered flirting? L wouldn't know. If anything is foreign to him, it's flirting, and most social interaction in general.

He takes a long sip of his coffee, before picking up his fork and stabbing it into his strawberry shortcake.

"Well, too bad this has been a complete waste of time."

His eyes travel up to be hold an expression he doesn't see on her often.

"Thanks anyway though."


He stuffs the first bite of cake into his mouth.

L knows she has been completely forthcoming since she's returned to Japan, and feels she is no longer hiding anything. The only problem with that is the explanation she gave to him. Supposedly, she is here due to inter dimensional travel, which is completely absurd. He has no choice but to believe that this woman, as good as her deductive skills seem to be, is suffering mentally to some degree. What he doesn't know is how severe it is.

"I wouldn't say our efforts have been completely in vain." He says, swallowing his food.

"They haven't?" Her warm eyes practically shine with cautious inquisition.

"Once you get the help you need, I believe you'll actually be of some use on this case."

L watches her, her knitting brows causing the slight wrinkle to form between them. This could either be from protest or confusion. L is sure it's the latter.

"But... you're already helping me, right?" She asks, as a way to confirm their prior agreement.

"You and I both know the help you need I can't offer. We'll have to seek a medical professional."

"What?" She begins shaking her head, "No. no, no..."

She stops, pinches the bridge of her nose and breathes deeply.

Anxiety and annoyance.

"Look, I know because of everything I said, I sound like a complete basket-case. I totally get that, I really do. But I swear I'm not, okay? I just... You..."

"I was the only person you could come to." He repeats the familiar words she has said numerous times now.

She nods her head, "I mean, how else could I explain it all? I knew you. I knew about your broadcast. I know you're going to ask Light to join the investigation, which is a horrible idea by the way. Do not recommend."

L has already stopped picking at the remainder of his food to look up to her, "I must admit. Your deductive skills are far better than I originally thought. But still, gifted individuals often times are troubled."

L watches as she runs her hand through the top of her hair, tossing her strands to one side.


"What do I have to do to convince you? Hm? How much do you need to know? How about the second killer? Or when you lock the two of them up? Or what about when they're released from lack of evidence? Or - what about the third killer, hm? THEN will you be convinced I'm not crazy?"

His dark eyes stay on her, studying her physical reaction intently, trying to detect any tales or ticks that may give her story away. He searches for any hint of deception. But her reaction seems to be genuine.

Soon enough, what was once frustration turns into something else. Katelyn is no longer holding her own in their stare down, but is looking at anything but L. She holds her neck, and her face begins to turn shades of pink, until it reaches a rosey red. This happens occasionally, and L is almost certain he knows what the cause is.

He puts down his fork, and pushes away his empty plate, "You think there are multiple Kiras?"

"Not yet, but there will be."

He remains quiet for a moment. Multiple predictions at once. Could they come to pass? How far a head is this meant to be? Is he really going to entertain the notion that this is possible?

He places a thumb to his lip, and the grip on his knee tightens.

"Tell me everything."


- Hey. Just a thank you to the readers who have been patiently waiting for this chapter, cause I know the feeling of waiting lol.

I know the direction the story is heading, and I know the ending,

(Spoiler - or endings I should say, as there will be multiple.)

But sometimes I find it hard to put everything into words, and I don't like posting something until I'm happy with it.

Anyway, thanks again. Hope you're enjoying.

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