Chapter 1: Fries Before Guys

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Ashley Adkins. She's been my best friend since she gotten the position of receptionist at the salon. When she started a few years back, we immediately hit it off, and became close friends not long after.

She has since finished school and has moved on from working as the salons receptionist, but even after she left, we remained just as close, if not more so.

There was a rough patch that I went through.

Well... rough is putting it mildly. But she was there for me. The buckets of tears, the late nights, the days when I just couldn't seem to pick myself up. She was there.

And now? Now it's my turn to do the same for her.

Right now, I'm standing in the doorway of her apartment going toe-to-toe with her now ex cheating boyfriend.

Apparently, the girl he cheated with had no idea he was dating someone. So when she found out that he indeed was, and that it was Ashley, she got in touch with her, and told her just exactly what he's been up to.

The lady apologized, and said had she known, she never would've been okay with that.

I was surprised, but also glad to know that she had enough respect for another woman to do the right thing. Not everyone would've done so.

"Move outta the way fat ass!"

"She doesn't want to speak to you!" I emphasize, "So leave!"

He moves to shove his way past me, but I firmly place my palm on his chest, and push him back.

"Leave now, or I'm calling the police." I say sternly.

He scoffs.

"Whatever. Fucking bitch." He mumbles and begins to walk away.

From the first time I had met Kevin, there was something off putting about him. He just seemed... shady somehow. I would ask Ashley about his odd behavior when she'd complain about him. But she usually just brushed it off and made an excuse for him.

I knew all to well that something was off. I knew from my own personal experience. It was the very same thing she helped me with a year after we met.

After going back into her apartment, she hugged me tightly, and began sobbing into my shoulder.

When her sobs began to lessen, she raised her head up.

"You were right Kate... I shouldn't have ignored the warning signs. You tired to tell me... but I didn't listen." Tears begin to fall once again.

"Nonono, we're not gonna talk about what we should or shouldn't have done. It's all in the past now, and there's no changing that."

I know I might sound a bit harsh, but I definitely didn't want her to beat herself up anymore over something that wasn't even her fault.

"I'm here for an 'Ashley's Night'. Or 'Forget that Prick Night', whatever you wanna call it. So that means whatever you wanna do, that's what we'll do."

"Really? Anything??" She wipes away the stray tears, and puts a small smile on her face.

"Yep. Anything!"

"Oooooh! I know exactly what I want to do!" She bounces, clapping excitedly like kid that just stepped foot into Disney World. She darts around her kitchen, getting varies snacks and some drinks. Then she throws a multitude of blankets and pillows in front of her television screen, smoothing them out for us to sit at.

"We're going to binge watch some anime!" She smiles while grabbing her remote.


I had heard of anime before, but never watched it myself, seeing as I just chalked it up to some cartoons.

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