Chapter 29: God's Poker Face

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Everything about Light makes her skin crawl. He isn't off-putting, but rather charismatic actually. Disarming even, if a bit stiff. That's what scares her the most. It's similar to when documentaries ask the relatives of serial killers their behavior —they seemed so nice; normal; they never would have imagined them capable of such things.

And Light is just that.

L watches the two closely. Light will say something and chuckle, while Katelyn twiddles her fingers and smiles in such a way that L has never seen. It's barely there with twitching corners from the force of it. She stands still as if frozen, and glances to L occasionally, breathing a sigh of relief. Light quite literally frightens her. But L will do what he can to solve this case and bring Kira to justice.

Just as L expected, Light passed his test and has now agreed to join the task force. Something he knows Katelyn has been vehemently against, but is necessary nonetheless.

With the appearance of this copycat Kira, L had to admit —even if only to himself— he was surprised, even with the prior knowledge provided by Katelyn. Not only had she predicted it, but Light and L himself had also come to the same conclusion from watching the tapes, making it all the more probable. Not that Katelyns word alone wasn't enough but now it has come to pass, giving her words merit of their own. And as for this copycats identity... that remains to be seen.

For now.

Katelyn, along with the others, stands behind L as they all watch the reply from the second Kira. Since she already has a general idea of how things play out, she's decided to focus on Lights reaction.

She glances to her left, at Matsuda, and then to Light, who is on the opposite side of the group, giving her a clear look of his face.

"Kira, thank you for your reply. Please, do not worry. I will follow orders and do as you say."

Katelyn glances over as Lights mouth twists in the slightest, before relaxing again.

"I really want to meet you. I don't think you have the eyes," the male teen takes a sharp intake of air. "but you don't have to worry. I would never try to kill you."

The eyes!

Glancing at L, his glare is already on Katelyn from recognition of the term. Narrowing her eyes at the teen, he watches the screen in shock, not yet regaining control of his widened eyes and mouth that's fallen open.

Beginning to panic Light? Rookie mistake.

"What's this having the eyes suppost to mean? Is it a code?"

"Please tell me how I can meet you without the police knowing. You'll think of something. And when we meet, we can confirm our identities by showing our Shinigami's to each other."

L gasps, his eyes only seconds away from bursting out of his skull.


Beads of sweat having formed on Lights brow, he stares at the television screen, frozen.

L throws up his hands, yells, and starts hyperventilating. Katelyn sees his chair begin to tip and dashes to the other side in an attempt to catch him before he hits the floor, but doesn't make it. With a loud thud, his body skids on the ground.


"Oh my god are you okay?" Katelyn asks.

"Am I suppost to believe that? That shinigami actually exist?"

"That's impossible."

"Obviously they don't exist."

Katelyn glances around to the others as they make their comments, an expression of discomfort still present on Lights face, before his face washes clean of all emotion- then relaxing as if nothing happened.

"Yes, that's right Ryuzaki. Listen to yourself, of course shinigami don't exist."

The woman can hardly contain her eye roll towards the teen. Mr. Yagami suggests the two Kiras may be the same person, while Light disagrees.

Of course you would know Light.

L pinches the bridge of his nose as he listens to the group.

"Are you okay?" Katelyn asks as she offers her hand. He looks between her hand and face before taking it. She carefully pulls him up, and helps to steady him on his feet.

"I'm alright. Thank you." He says softly.

"No problem." With a quick wink, she flashes a soft smile.

"They could've already met and decided to use the word shinigami to confuse us." Aizawa's words causes the two to refocus their attention.

"No, I'd say that's unlikely. If the two had met, I don't think the imposter would give up on his plan to kill me. I believe the copycats motivation is to meet the original."

"I think you're right..." Light says, "The word shinigami could very well be some reference to their killing power. It probably means them demonstrating their ability to kill."

"Yes, that's it. But for now, let's leave this up to the two of them. In the mean time, we'll gather all the information we can on this copycat."

With everyone in agreement, the group begins working on their own tasks. Making phone calls, reviewing tapes, and going through paper work well into the evening.


After the door closes behind Light and his father, Katelyn is nearly bursting at the seems to be able to discuss openly the events that have transpired throughout the night.

Spinning on her heel, the woman's eyes fall on the sleepless detective that she has grown so fond of. Practically skipping to his side, she grins in triumph. "Well? Isn't it just like I said! She even made the same reference to Shinigami!"

Gnawing the nail of his thumb, he looks away. "We still need evidence to connect Amane to the copycat. The lab report should provide us with exactly that." He lowers his hand as he turns to her, "And if you are correct..."

"Then you'll believe me?"


One could've never known the impact such a small word could have. Other than L, shes been alone. Isolated away from reality. Or is this reality now? Everything she once knew is gone, and she's constantly questioning herself. But despite not knowing and despite the months of loneliness, this is enough to keep her going.

Her smile falters as it becomes shaky, and she can't help but feel nothing but warmth and affection towards the secretive man.

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