Chapter 27: This Program is Brought to You By Death

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Do you know the problem with being told the summary of a story in two minutes? It's very condensed. Normally, it wouldn't be a problem, but when you are forced to live said story, you miss a lot of little details that could've been helpful. Also, you have no sense of when said events of the story will take place. It can be within the span of a few days, or it could be months.

"Are you kidding me? What are the chances that she's still alive?" Katelyns asks Ukita, who's sitting adjacent to her.

"As much as I hate to admit it, I agree with her. We're talking about a person whose been missing for four months already."

"If you are right, I find it odd we haven't found her body yet. If we did, it could provide some much need physical evidence."

She knows that Light has already killed the woman whose name is Naomi Misora. But she can't just come out and say that now, can she? At least not to the others.

Relaxing back into the cushion of the sofa, she exhales heavily. Her eyes catch Matsuda, and he gives a reassuring smile, the window causing him to be bathed in evening sunlight. It's so like him to try and keep the spirits up. Something she's come to rely on at times, like her own personal cheerleader.

A door clicks shut, followed by the pads of Watari's footsteps. "Ryuzaki, something's happening on Sakura TV."

"Everyone's favorite news channel. Yay."

Matsuda takes the remote from the coffee table.

"So in other words, we're all Kiras hostages. I assure this is not a hoax and this is not being broadcast for the purpose of sensationalism."

Katelyn sits up right on the couch, not taking her eyes off the tv as she develops this dreaded feeling in the pit of her stomach.

"Four days ago our director received four tapes. After examination, there is no doubt they are from Kira himself."


Quickly, she pulls up an extra chair to the television next to L, who had already moved in front of it.

"And as predicted at the exact time Kira had specified, both men died of a heart attack."

"If what there saying is true, it's something only Kira could do." L mumbles under his breath, more to himself than me.

"It's the second..." her voice barely a whisper, though L doesn't react, never breaking his gaze from the television.

"This tape should offer proof of his powers by predicting yet another death. Beyond that, we understand it contains a message to the world from Kira."

The others gasp, shocked at the unfolding revelations. For Katelyn, that's the upside to knowing what will happen. There aren't too many surprises. Hopefully.

A blank screen with Kira's name display runs across the screen, and a distorted voice begins speaking, claiming that a news anchor will die of a heart attack at exactly six o'clock.

"Change it!" L says.

On Taiyo TV is a man slumped in his chair. More gasps come from the others, and the channel is changed back, only for there to be another predicted death.

"Turn it to channel 24!"

Yet another man slumped over in a desk chair on live TV, and Katelyn can't help but her mouth to fall open in shock.

"Stop this broadcast! We can't let him finish!"

Matsuda runs to the landline, while Aizawa pulls out his call phone, both men trying to reach someone from Sakura news station to stop the broadcast. No one is picking up for either one.

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