Chapter 14: Could We Get on with This Already?

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Here I sit in the room of the new hotel we came to yesterday. I'm not sure what exactly I expected, but meeting the other detectives has not played out the way I thought it would. Though not many things do these days.

The men are getting into a heated discussion, to which I'm the topic of, making me very uncomfortable.

I sit in the armchair just feet away from the huge window. I occasionally scan the others as I listen to them argue back and forth. My eyes flick to the main three, those being L, the Chief, and Aizawa.

"In what way is this helpful? Why would you bring a civilian onto a classified case? Or any case for that matter?!" The aggravated man throws an arm in my direction, clearly meaning me.

"It's a fair question Ryuzaki. You didn't consult any of us. We at least would have liked a warning." The light reflects off the chiefs glasses.

"A warning Chief? She doesn't belong here!"

L pinches the bridge of his nose. There he is, showing his emotions. For him, this is very telling. He sucks in some air, before he pins his hard gaze onto the man with coily hair, Ls hands finding his pockets.

"I do apologize for not discussing it with you first." Ls smooth voice is as even as ever.

Is he even upset? I'm pretty sure he is, though it's sometimes hard to tell with how good he is at hiding things.

"But it was my decision to begin working this case. Therefore I'll do what is necessary to solve it. If that includes involving associates of mine, then so be it."

Aizawa continues to disapprove. I hang my head and sigh before fixing my gaze to the beautiful view out the window. The dazzling lights of the city against the inviting, darkened night sky.

Still. What I wouldn't give to wake up from this nightmare.

"Hey." A voice pulls my attention. It's one of the other detectives. Matsuda, I think.

"Don't pay any attention to Aizawa. He's always been pretty up tight. I think you'll make a great addition to the team!" His cheerful smile is a breath of fresh air. He's definitely the nicest one of the bunch.

"Thank you. I just didn't expect this fuss." I stand to my feet and give him my full attention. "Nice to meet you by the way. I'm Katelyn." I say, smiling.

He introduces himself, and bows. His brown hair just barely covering his eyes from his movement. "Nice to meet you too!"

The commotion from the others catch our attention for a moment. Those who aren't taking part of the discussion sit on the sofa in the middle of the hotel room.

"So," Matsuda laughs nervously, probably from the situation at hand, "Are you from America?"

"I am." I admit, "Born and raised."

His eye's sparkle, "Wow, I've always wanted to visit! What's it like?"

I shrug, unsure of what to say. "I mean, normal to me, I guess. It's home..." I trail, looking back out across the city.

Even when I was in Columbus, it still didn't feel right. Yeah, it looked the same well enough, but I could tell it wasn't. I fear nothing will be the same again. I'll be a stranger, in a strange place I have no business being.

"Do you miss it?"

"... Yeah. A lot." My gaze flicks back to him, his face displaying a sympathetic look. I shake the feeling away, a plaster on a smile.

"But what about you? Ever been outside Japan?"

He rubs the back of his neck, "Eh, no. With my job, I don't have much free time... Or money."

I giggle at his unexpected joke, his eyes lighting up. "Money problems? That I understand."

It seems as if the tension as been broken, and I'm able to relax for the first time today.

The others have settled down, perhaps taking a moment before they continue with their work, whatever it is that might be. Watari rolls a familiar chart over to L, and the chief is looking through papers that are spread on the coffee table.

"But the way, I meant to ask. How difficult was it for you to learn Japanese? You're so fluent!"

I can feel my brows raise. A question I wouldn't have expected. "If I'm being hundred percent completely honest with you: I have no idea. It just happened."

He again laughs, of course not aware that I'm being completely serious. "You must be incredibly smart and talented to pick up on a language so easily!"

Suddenly, someone breaks out into a fit of coughing. Almost as if they've choked on something. Both our heads turn in the direction of the coughing fit. It's L in his perch, his cup of... something, sitting in front him on the table. My lips press in as his coughing subsides.

"Something wrong L?"

He, for a last time, clears his throat, "No. And I told you to call me Ryuzaki."

I roll my eyes, and Matsuda and I join the others in the middle of the room. "Now, with that out of the way. It's time to get back to work. We will continue to monitor surveillance of both households. Mr Yagami, would you object to Miss Elkins joining us?"

At the mention of my name, I perk up.

"I suppose it could do no harm. Whatever you need to clear my son."

"Very well."

L stirs his drink, and looks at me over his cup, his eyes glued to me, and I release an unsteady breath.

This will either be interesting or horribly awkward.

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