Chapter 36: Implements of Torture

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Katelyn's stomach twists and turns as her eyes glue onto the monitor before her. A rush of regret, pity, nausea, and anxiety grip her as Misa struggles against her restraints on the other side of the camera. Wateri walks into her confinement cell rolling a cart of various implements in front of him.

"You can't be serious." She mutters to L beside her.

"I understand this could be difficult to watch. Please, feel free to step away." Ls phone begins to ring.

"Something like this isn't difficult for you to watch?"

"Yes?" He says to the person on the other line, "I understand. We'll be expecting you in room K 2801." Katelyn rolls her eyes at his avoidance of her question.

In the past, Katelyn had speculated just how many cases L has solved. He takes on only the hardest and most dangerous cases. Her mind can only begin to imagine what horrible things he's had to witness as a result. But to stoop to this level? Doesn't this make her and the rest of the team as bad as the criminals?

His silence does little to temper her rising frustrations.

"Is this even legal?!"

"As head of the Kira task force it is within my right to do whatever I deem necessary to solve this case."

"What ever necessary," she scoffs, "Wow. The legal system here sure is a lot different than in America." She bites back.

"Not necessarily. It happens but typically the public is unaware. This is mild in comparison to the way America deals with their terrorists."

"Couldn't you have at least left her with some dignity? I mean look at her!"

Glancing to Katelyn then back to the screen he once again stays quiet.

Is she right? Is he taking this too far?

Terrible images from the stand off at Sukra TV flash in his mind of multiple officers falling in the line of duty, including one from his very own team.

No. This is what needs to be done. It's necessary. The threat this woman poses is too great to be taken lightly.

L turns to Katelyn, his eyes boring into her. Lifting his hand, he retracts it but quickly lets go of any uncertainty. He gently brushes the backs of his fingers against her soft, supple skin as he watches her skin prickle under his touch.

"You told Mr. Yagami and the others you trusted my judgement. Has that changed?"

"I- no it hasn't but-"

"Then trust me when I say this is necessary. One of my only wishes is to bring Kira and the second to justice. To do that, I need evidence or a confession. Neither of which I have."


His lips curl up into a cute smile at the trust and faith Katelyn is placing in him. He takes her hand into his, his cool, slender finger stroking the back of hers.

"There's something I would like to discuss with you-"

The door of the hotel room bursts open and every head snaps to Light as he walks through.

"Ryuzaki, like I said on the phone... I think I could be Kira."

Hey everyone, I hope you had a great holiday season.
Sorry this chapter is so short but I'm planning on getting the next part out within a week.
Many thanks for the support 🖤

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