Chapter 43: I'll Never Forgive You

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Outside on the quad of Haven Academy, the battle between the White Fang and the Menagerie Faunus as well as the Mistral Police Force continues. One of the Mistral airships shines its searchlight on three White Fang soldiers.

"Ceasefire, immediately!" Mistral Policeman said over a P.A.

The three try to run away, but they are stopped by a combined group of Menagerie Faunus and Mistral policemen led by Ilia Amitola. Eventually, two of the White Fang soldiers drop their weapons and hold their hands in the air to surrender when they are surrounded. The last White Fang soldier tries to fire his weapon, but it is whipped out of his hands by Lightning Lash and he is tackled and restrained to the ground by Ilia.

"Thank you." The female Rabbit Faunus said while smiling.

Ilia looks at the rabbit Faunus with a smile and nods back. Elsewhere, Lance stands proudly over Adam Taurus, who was on his knees before standing back up.

Adam, who was seething, glared at Lance "I'm going to make you regret ever coming back..."

"More police are on their way, Adam. Huntsmen too." Lance stated.

Adam chuckled evilly "Still too afraid to face me on your own." He mocked.

"I'm here for Haven, not you." Lance retorted.

Angered, Adam points Blush in front of Lance with Wilt in his left hand, while Lance draws Takemikazuchi.

"Heh, you are still afraid, and you should be. I've made powerful friends while you've been away." Adam taunted his former respective.

"Oh yeah?"

Adam looks to his left as Sun Wukong approaches him holding Ruyi Bang and Jingu Bang in its staff form.

"Where?" He asked.

"Tell me, does Blake make all of her classmates fight for her?" Adam asked, pointing Wilt towards Sun.

"Nah, it's a volunteer gig. I'm just sayin', for someone who claims to have such great friends, there doesn't seem to be a lot of people here willing to fight for you." Sun added.

Adam looks around, seeing his followers surrendering to the overwhelming numbers of forces Blake brought with her, only proving Sun's point right. A searchlight then shines down on him.

"You can try and make me regret coming here, Adam, but honestly... I've got more important things to deal with." Lance quickly responded.

"Oh is that so, then maybe you're too busy to know about what happened to the high leader!" Adam exclaimed, knowing it would get Lance's attention.

Lance's eyes widened as he heard Adam bring up his mother. Lance wasn't stupid, he knew there had to be an important reason why he would even bring up his mother. Lance knew in his heart, what was coming next. He knew what he was about to hear as he gritted his teeth.

"What happened to my mother?" He asked with bitter disdain in his throat.

"You know Lance, it's truly a shame that you wish to protect these humans. It's a shame that people you wish to protect are the same people who brought down the high leader." Adam stated, lying through his teeth.

Lance's eyes widened as he listened to Adam's words. His heart dropped as he tried to control his breathing but he couldn't. He was so certain that Adam wouldn't lie about that, he knew he had nothing to gain from it.

"The high leader is dead Lance. She was killed by humans who infiltrated the White Fang's throne room." Adam was lying about what had happened but he knew that Lance's emotions would sway his judgment into belief.

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