Chapter 9: Infiltration

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As the door closed Nolo sat there in pain. He felt himself becoming weaker. Nolo noticed that his aura was getting lower, upon investigating the cables attached to him figured they were the most likely case that was causing it. Nolo had to do something fast as he was losing aura rather quickly.

He started to move side to side and force himself out of the restraints. Once he freed his hands he quickly pulled off the cables and stood up in a weakened state. He started to breathe heavy looking around the room. "I gotta get out of here." He whispered to himself.

Nolo was out of energy, his aura was almost drained. Nolo slowly walked out of the room and entered another. The room was full of beds and on one of them lied a man who was coated in sheets. The man was shirtless, wearing only black boxers. The man had a tanish skin tone, he had long black hair with blue eyes.

The man noticed that Nolo was there and turned his head to look at him "Come closer... I'm not a patient, I was a civilian from Mistral, Richter and his partners took me hostage and started running experiments on me... it's not something that should be overlooked." The man said in a low tone.

"Stay calm, I'm going to get you out of here," Nolo assured him. He felt bad for the man and wanted to do something to help him.

The man shook his head "I don't think I'm able to be saved, my body is giving out. But Richter, he's insane, he was in an asylum full of crazy people, he was treated by the employees, but whatever they gave him turned him insane. They couldn't control it... and you can't control it... nobody... nobody! NOBODY!"

Nolo didn't know what to make of this as he watched the man starting to shake around in his bed "He'll find you! he'll kill you! He's coming now! Richter! Richter ! AAAAAAHHHHH!" He yelled out.

Nolo knew the man now known as Richter was going to hear that and quickly hid under a bed. As Nolo deducted Richter walked into the room and walked over to the man who was still moving around. He was wielding large scissors that looked razor sharp. He looked at the man and shook his head "I see what's happening here, you're bored. You want a little attention. Well, I'm here for you, I'll give you... very special attention." As Richter finished he slammed his scissors into the man's chest, piercing his heart and slowly killing him.

Nolo's eyes widened by this, he was... scared... to see someone take a person's life. Richter then walked away from the bed and strolled towards the room he left Nolo in. As he walked in Nolo started to crawl out from under the bed and started making his way out of the room.


Nolo heard this and made a run for it. Richter heard his footsteps and bolted out of the room he was in. "Hold up there buddy I'll be right with you," Richter said as he saw Nolo run away.

Nolo panicked in his run, "Oh screw this! Screw this! SCREW THIS! HELP!" He screamed in dismay trying to navigate the halls.

Meanwhile with Lance and the others ....

Chris was charging at Lance and Uzziel who were prepared. Lance had Takemikazuchi in hand and Uzziel had Schwarze Blume in hand. Chris lifted his hand as he got closer to the two and brought it down trying to slam it down on them.

Lance and Uzziel jumped back, making his hand hit the ground and make a small crater. Chris had a destructive power they could not afford to underestimate.

Miyabi who had her gauntlet blade out jumped into the air and slashed at Chris, who used his huge arms to block. Miyabi then maneuvered her body in mid-air, kicking Chris in the face. As her foot connected with his face she pressed off and landed back on the ground.

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