Chapter 20: The Chase

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As the chaos continued throughout the city Krisis found his way behind the back of an apartment building closed in by fences. Krisis looked around seeing nothing but a few trash bags and dumpster. "Hmm, where'd Regu-wuss go? REGU-WUSS! COME OUT AND PLAY!!!"


Regulus landed on top of Krisis's head stomping down and pressing off so he could land across from Krisis. Krisis groaned in pain and grabbed his head as Regulus pulled out his weapon.

Regulus ran towards Krisis and started swinging his weapon which was in drill form. Krisis's body started to disappear as he started to laugh. Every attack Regulus threw missed as Krisis completely vanished. Regulus growled and looked around trying to find Krisis at all cost "Come back here Krisis! Where are you?!"

"Now you see me, now you don't."

Krisis's voice echoed out through the area. Regulus turned his head back and forth trying to locate Krisis. A sound was heard behind Regulus which he quickly turned around to see Krisis appear before him. Krisis quickly slashed at him and sent Regulus flying backward, quickly landing on his feet.

Krisis laughed and started to fly towards Regulus holding his hand out and was about to attack again. Regulus quickly threw his weapon at Krisis trying to pierce him but Krisis quickly moved to the side while continuing to fly at Regulus.

Unknowing to Krisis, a portal opened up behind him. The drill flew through the portal as another portal appeared above Krisis, shooting out the drill and sending it towards the top of Krisis' head.

The drill hit Krisis on the head which stopped him in his tracks. Once he stopped he held the top of his head making sure he wasn't injured. Regulus quickly dashed forward and grabbed his weapon which was still in midair from bouncing off of Krisis's head.

He quickly swung his weapon three times slashing Krisis's chest and then delivered a powerful kick to his stomach sending him flying backward. Regulus growled and transformed his weapon into a Gatling gun and started to rapidly shoot Krisis.

The impact of each shot lifted Krisis off his feet and pinned him against a wall. After fifty shots were sent Regulus stopped and watched as Krisis fell to the ground. Regulus slowly walked over to Krisis who was now stirring and getting on his hands and knees while Regulus was approaching.

Once Regulus reaches him he held out his hand and was getting ready to grab Krisis. Krisis looked up and opened his mouth wide where his tongue started to stretch out and he let out a terrifying roar. His teeth were razor sharp and saliva was dripping from them.

Regulus jumped back in shock for a moment which Krisis clearly noticed. Krisis took his chance and ran towards a sewer lid that was on the ground and with ease pulled it off the ground and threw it to the side. He quickly jumped down into the sewer letting out a yell as he was falling with his tongue out dangling in the air.

Regulus glared and ran towards the hole, jumping down after Krisis not letting him get away. Regulus also let out a yell, realizing how deep this hole was.


Jarvin stood face to face with three familiar faces that were standing near Mercury. Jarvin was not thrilled to see them and his expression showed it. "Ryan Kayne, Paul Morris, and Snart Leno, never thought I see the day when you three would be working together," Jarvin said as he looked at the men standing before him.

"That's Agent Cold to you." The man holding the gun said.

The pale-faced man now known as Paul laughed as he looked at Cold. "Snart! A letter away from smart." He teased.

Agent Cold glared at Paul and held his gun tight "You're several cards short of a deck! I'm the captain of this mission and you'll respect me." Cold retorted.

Paul shook his head and chuckled "Oh captain my captain." He mocked once more.

"Whitman, really?" Cold asked with an expression that showed that he wasn't impressed.

Paul frowned at Cold as he took off his mask to show it. "A little culture wouldn't kill you."

"Enough you two, we didn't come here to play around." Ryan, the armored knight said as he kept his eyes on Jarvin.

"Why are you guys even here?" Mercury asked as he looked at his comrades.

"We're getting out of here, we finished what we came here to do," Ryan responded.

Mercury gritted his teeth as he looked at Ryan "I'm not leaving until I finish what he started!" Mercury exclaimed as he pointed at Uzziel who was still unconscious.

Ryan narrowed his eyes at Uzziel and smirked "From what I just saw, it looked like he was about to finish it. We're leaving, you'll have to finish your little grudge match at another time." Ryan responded.

"As if I'm going to let you all leave that easily," Jarvin said as he readied his gauntlets. Cold smirked and aimed his gun and shot the ground right next to Jarvin's feet, freezing that spot. Jarvin looked at the spot as he stopped in his tracks and glared at Cold.

"If you're going to insist on getting in our way. Then I'm going to have to freeze those legs of yours." Cold said as he gripped his gun.

Jarvin gritted his teeth as he looked at Uzziel who was laying on the ground. Then looking at Paul who chuckled. "Look at you Jarvin, playing the superhero protecting people, trying to save the city, but you hear it don't you?" Paul asked with a sinister smile on his face as he pulled out a silver bladed dagger and started pacing back and forth.

Jarvin looked at him and raised an eyebrow as he watched Paul play with his dagger "Hear what?" He asked.

"The 'Real' you, buried under the floorboards, scratch, scratch, scratching to get out!" Paul said as he stopped for a moment.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Jarvin said.

Paul's smirk grew wider as he pulled out his second dagger with his left hand and pointed it at Jarvin. "Maybe I should jog your memory. A good beating and bleeding should do the trick." He stated.

Cold stepped forward "This is one thing we both can agree on. It's time to put Jarvin down." Cold paused and held his finger up and started to shake his finger.

"After all, you didn't fight the Regime." He said.

Jarvin's eyes went wide as he looked at Cold in shock. "What does this have to do-"

"It has everything to do with this! I lost everything because of the Regime! If it wasn't for them 'she' would still be alive!" Cold exclaimed.

Jarvin eyes showed sympathy towards Cold. He knew exactly what he was talking about and he felt bad. Agent Cold noticed this immediately and glares at Jarvin.

"Don't you give me that look, you have no idea how I feel. You might not have been a part of it, but you did nothing to stop it and that I can't forgive." Cold barked out.

Jarvin narrowed his eyes showing that he was getting serious "We don't have time for this Snart! The city is in chaos!" He said.

"That's not my problem!" Cold retorted as he glared at Jarvin.

"That's enough!"

Everyone looked at Ryan who held his hand up. "Like Cold said if you're going to insist on getting in our way, then we'll take you out here and now!" He exclaimed.

As he said this he grabbed the hilt of his great sword that was strapped to his back and pulled it forward holding it with both hands. As he did this a shadow replica of himself started to form from the ground behind Jarvin.

Jarvin noticed this and quickly turned around and punched the shadow in the stomach making it shatter and disappear. As he did this Cold aimed his gun at Uzziel who was still on the ground.

Jarvin growled and grabbed Uzziel and held him in his left arm. He jumped away quickly dodging the blast and making it hit the ground. As he landed eight shadow clones formed from the ground and surrounded Jarvin who looked around quickly.

"I'll make sure you regret this!" Ryan exclaimed as he pointed his sword. The clones quickly charged at Jarvin who gritted his teeth. With quick thinking, Jarvin punched the ground with his freakish strength and made it crack and shake creating a huge crater.

The clones disappeared as they were all caught in the devastation. The ground stopped shaking, suddenly Jarvin heard a sound and looked up to see Paul coming down from the sky towards him with two daggers out.

Paul started to laugh crazily as he swung at Jarvin multiple times, trying to cut him. Jarvin dodged each attack and tried to find an opening to hit Paul with one hand but Paul's movements were too quick.

As Jarvin jumped back he was hit in the back by a great sword. He landed on the ground, dropping Uzziel next to him, he turned his head to see another shadow clone standing near him.

As Jarvin started to get up he was shot in the leg by an ice blast. He looked up to see Agent Cold walking towards him. Jarvin was about to use his strength to punch the ground but long dark shadow hands appeared from the ground and grabbed onto Jarvin's arms.

"What the hell!" Jarvin said as he tried to use his strength to break free but more hands started to grab on him. Paul walked over to him and smirked.

"Let's see how much you bleed," Paul said as he held out his dagger.

As they all started to come closer to Jarvin a sound could be heard coming from the distance. Jarvin smirked knowing what it was. Before anyone could do anything else Paul was sent flying backward, along with Cold as a blur of blue lighting sped past them.

Cold looked up and glared as he knew exactly what that light was. He saw a man that stood at six feet, with short blonde hair and blue eyes with pale skin. He had small blonde cat ears on the top of his head. The man wore a grey button-up shirt with a black jean jacket over it. He had on black jeans with black and purple boots on. He also wore a purple scarf around his neck and he wore black fingerless gloves.

"Flash!" Cold yelled out.

The man known as Flash smirked and stood up proudly as he looked at Cold. "I'm gonna kill you Flash!" Cold stated.

Flash gave Cold a serious look as he heard his words "You've always been civil Snart." Flash responded.

Cold held his gun up and stood sideways as he glared at Flash "The Regime changed that." he said in a merciless tone.

Flash then looked at Ryan who jumped away as he heard another sound. He was just able to jump away from bullets that came from above him. He looked to the sky to see a man land in front of Jarvin. He held a huge greatsword in his right hand and rested the blade on his shoulder.

The man had long black hair that hung down to the middle of his back and stood at six feet. He had red eyes and light brown skin. He wore a long black coat with yellow lines and red designs. He wore black matching pants that had a little bit of white on the right pants leg. He also wore black and red matching shoes. The man's body was very muscular, similar to Regulus.

"Bayne's here as well huh? Looks like the gangs all here." Cold said as he smirked at the man they called Bayne.

"This needs to stop now," Bayne said, giving off a look that showed he wasn't in the mood for games.

Paul looked at Ryan who didn't look pleased at all "What do we do now?" He asked with a nervous smile on his face. Ryan looked at the three men that stood in front of him and then shook his head "We're leaving. Now's not the time to deal with them. We have what we came here for." He said as he looks at Mercury.

"You're not going anywhere!" Flash stated as he was getting ready to attack but Bayne grabbed his hand. Flash looked at Bayne who shook his head at him. "Not now," Bayne stated.

As he said this an Atlas ship came from above them and was lowering itself towards Cold and the others. As the door opened his eyes widened as he saw someone standing in front of the doorway. He saw a young boy who had short black hair and crimson red eyes like him. The boy had a light toned skin color and stood at five feet. He wore a black and red light samurai outfit with a black and red robe like shirt with black pants, black and red shoes. He also had black and red armor plates on his forearms and waist. He had a sword attached to his hip that was now sheathed.

As Ryan and the other's got on the boy glared at Bayne who only gave him a serious look back "Damien..." He said in a low toned voice.

Once everyone was on the ship they flew up into the sky and away from Jarvin and the others. They stood and watched as the ship got farther and farther away "Jarvin we got a lot of things to talk about." Bayne said as he kept his eyes towards the ship.

Jarvin nodded and looked at him "Yeah I know." He simply replied.


Regulus was laying on the ground inside of a sewer. Krisis was crouching next to Regulus looking back and forth observing the surroundings. Rats were running around and one could hear the sound of water running through pipes. Lights were placed on the wall indicating that people had been down there before. Krisis smiled and put his hands up "Laying down on the job Regulus." He said as Regulus started to get up.

Krisis noticed this and started to fly away and turning left as Regulus stood up "Where's my brother! You freak!" Regulus exclaimed as he ran after Krisis. Regulus turned the left corner like Krisis did and noticed that he was gone. "You can run Krisis but you can't hide," Regulus stated.

As he ran down the pathway a metal door dropped down and closed behind him "A trap huh?" Regulus said as he looked behind him. He then turned his head to see two knights coming towards him. The knights were the same knights that Regulus and his team fought when they ran into Ryder in the city. Regulus quickly pulled out his weapon and transformed it into a Gatling gun to shoot down both knights quickly. Once they were taken care of he put away his weapon and ran towards another closed door.

"Open this door!" He exclaimed.

On the other side of the door, Krisis jumped towards it and laughed "Who is it!" He teased. As the door started to open Krisis jumped away which Regulus noticed and followed after him. Krisis jumped off a ledge and onto a huge pipe and then continued down some as there was water below them "Check out these moves Regulus, I been practicing." Krisis mocked.

Regulus growled and started to jump from pipe to pipe "Stop this foolishness. This is not a game." Regulus ordered.

"Oooo look at the big ones on Regulus, that's gonna get you everywhere with the women." Krisis mocked again as he vanished out of sight again.

"Dammit! Get back here Krisis." Regulus ordered as he finally landed on to a path that had a safe road to run on. Regulus was lead to an intersection where he heard a train coming.

"That's your ride Regulus, you better take it. Nolo won't last much longer!"

Regulus heard Krisis's voice throughout the walls and raised an eyebrow wondering where he was. As the train finally came Regulus took a deep breath and jumped on top of it as it did not stop. Regulus looked around as the train was moving at a high speed trying to watch out for anything suspicious.

Krisis then started to laugh evilly and appeared behind Regulus who's eyes went wide as he noticed what was going on. "Oh no," Regulus said as he quickly turned around. Before he could do anything Krisis punched Regulus and sent him flying off the train and into a hole.

"You got to stop falling for us Regulus!" Krisis said as he waved at Regulus.

Regulus caught his footing and landed on his feet as he reached the bottom. He landed in another pathway that leads straight ahead. Regulus looked around and then nodded "I have to keep moving."


Regulus heard a loud roar and looked up to see a huge coming down from the hole he just fell through. As the body landed his eyes widened as he noticed it was Chris the humanoid Grimm. Chris let out another roar that had a powerful gust of wind with it. "Dammit, I don't have time for this," Regulus said.

"What will you do now Regulus, you only have two options try to get past Chris with a little bit of time left or let your brother die, what to do, what to do?"

Regulus heard Krisis mock him and gritted his teeth. He knew Chris was powerful from their last encounter, and how much time did he have left? Regulus reached for his weapon and prepared to pull it out.

Before he could do anything else Chris was hit with a huge blast of wind that sent Chris flying backward. Regulus looked up to see someone coming down from the hole. "No way." He said to himself as he noticed who it was. The person standing in front of him was Midori who got into a fighting stance with a serious look on her face "Don't worry Regulus. I got your back!"

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