Chapter 11: The Date

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The boys walked off the stage through a myriad of tents and small shops wreathed in colorful flags in a large forest clearing as people mill about to experience it all. Nolo was grinning widely still excited about winning their first match.

"Congratulations Guys!"

The group turned around to see Emerald standing before them. Nolo gazed at her for a moment before regaining himself and walking over to her.

"Thanks, Emerald. How about you and your team? How did you guys do?" Nolo asked.

Emerald smiled at him "We did well, we made it to the second round. I'm amazed at how quickly you guys took your opponents out though." She said which made Nolo scratch the back of his head.

"Those guys were weak, how they even made it in the tournament is beyond me," Uzziel stated.

Nolo nodded "Yeah he's right. So anyway what are you up to Emerald?" He asked.

"Well... seeing as we both finished our matches and got some spare time on our hands I was wondering if you would like to come hang out with me and visit a few of the stands?" She said which made him slightly blush.

"Sure! I-I would like that a lot. You guys don't mind right?" He asked looking at his team behind him.

Regulus shook his head "Go ahead we'll catch up with you later, we're going to go find Ruby and the others." He responded with a smile on his face, he was happy for his longtime friend.

Emerald shifted her gaze and looked at Regulus, "I just ran into them a moment ago they're just ahead getting something to eat." She informed them.

"Alright then, we'll leave you two be. Thanks for letting us know Emerald." Regulus thanked her sincerely as he and the other's started to walk away.

"No problem." She responded as she waved to them.

Once the team left Nolo looked at Emerald and smiled "So where should we go first?" He asked.

Emerald looked around at the few stands that were near them. She noticed one that was selling dumplings and another that was selling hot dogs.

She then looked to her left to see a game stand that had a lot of stuffed animals and other prizes in it. "Let's go there first." She said pointing at the stand.

"Okay!" Nolo responded as the two started to walk towards the stand.

Ten Minutes Later...

At one of the unassuming huts set up in the fairgrounds stringed with paper lanterns with a sign overhead saying 'A Simple Wok', Team RWBY sits at the stools outside, ready to order.

"I'll have a bowl of the regular, please," Yang said. A second later a large bowl of noodles slides in front of her.

Ruby who was staring at Yang's meal smiled and looked at the owner "Oohhh... I'll take the same." She said cheerfully. A large bowl of noodles slides in front of her, as she clasps her hands in excitement.

Weiss looked concerned as she saw the bowls that Yang and Ruby got "Do you have anything with a low-salt ...?" a large bowl of regular noodles instantly slides in front of her instead "Um... okay..." She finished.

Instead of saying anything, Blake merely gives a nod and smile to the Shopkeep, who returns the gesture as he rushes through one door of his shop and comes out the other to leave a large bowl of noodles topped with fish in front of her.

Blake's eyes light up as she drools over her order. While Weiss looks strangely at her teammate, she gladly offers her Schnee Dust Company credit card to the Shopkeep.

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