Chapter 21: Regulus VS Krisis

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Chris groaned as he laid on the floor after being hit by Midori's attack. Regulus looked at her and walked towards her "Midori? What are doing here?" He asked in a shocked tone.

Midori was about to say something until she saw Chris starting to get up. Before he could make it to his feet wind started to form around Midori's hand. Chris finally stood up and let out a loud roar and started to charge after them.

As he dashed toward them Midori would thrust her hands out releasing the wind around them into a powerful blast. The wind hit Chris and started to form around him in a tornado fashion lifting him up into the air. "Regulus!" She called out.

"Right!" He replied as he knew exactly what she was going for. He looked to the ground below Chris and made a portal appear on the floor. Midori moved her hands up quickly and made Chris crash into the ceiling and then brought her hand down to make Chris go through the portal.

Once the portal closed Midori turned around and held her hand out "Good teamwork!" She said cheerfully. Regulus gave her a small smile and high fived her.

Regulus' expression changed to serious moments later as he looked at her "Midori how did you know I was here?" Regulus asked.

Midori smiled and walked over to Regulus before pulling off a small circle shaped device from his back. "These are tracking devices that Arrossire made for whenever our team goes on a mission. Arrossire threw it at you when you ran off chasing that flying Grimm." She explained with a smile.

Regulus's eyes widened, he was shocked at the fact that he didn't notice her or the device. "What. No, you shouldn't have come. This isn't like the tournament Midori, this is for real, it's dangerous to be here." He scolded.

This didn't sit well with Midori as she looked slightly angered. "What do you mean this isn't like the tournament, I'm not some fragile little girl Regulus, I'm a huntress. I'm not made of glass I'm just as strong as you are, if not stronger!" She scolded back.

Regulus was speechless as he saw her determination. She turned away from him and had a pouty expression on her face. "You saved my life. So in return, I wanted to help you out." She said in a low tone.

Regulus stayed silent for a second before sighing, knowing he was wrong. "I apologize Midori I wasn't trying to say you're weak or anything. I know how strong you are and I know you can hold your own. But Krisis is on a whole other level and I just don't want you to get hurt over my sins." He said as he looked to the side.

Midori turned her head and walked over to Regulus and put a hand on his cheek to make him look to her. "I don't know what these sins consist of but I consider you a friend and I'll help my friends anyway I can to fix their problems, I just need you to trust me." She said in a soft tone.

Regulus thought for a moment longer and then nodded his head "Alright, I trust you." He responded. Midori smiled and turned her head to look at the path ahead "I'm guessing this will lead us to Nolorona right?" she asked.

Regulus nodded as he took a few steps forward to be at her side. Midori looked at him once more but with a more serious expression "Okay then let's go." She said. Regulus nodded and the two started to make their way towards the pathway. Once they started going through an energy beam burst from the ground behind him and shot through the ceiling.

"I should've known he wouldn't stay down," Regulus said as the energy wave started to disappear. Chris then jumped up from the hole and landed on the ground.

"Ooooo Regulus looks like Chris wants to play, but change of plans, now Nolorona only has five minutes left!"

Regulus growled as He heard Krisis' voice. He was about to pull out his weapon until Midori stepped forward "Go get Nolorona, Regulus. I'll handle this guy." Midori said.

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