Chapter 27: A Love To Die For

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Nolo stood in front of Emerald with a shocked expression on his face. The one he was searching for, the one he went through all this trouble to find just saved his life. So many thoughts went through his mind as he tried to utter the words but it was no use. The two stared into each other's eyes, Nolo's expression was full of shock but Emerald's expression was filled with nothing but anger. "What are you doing here Nolo, why did you come here?" She asked in a stern tone. Nolo nervously smiled as he scratched his left arm. "I came looking for you." He said before receiving another slap from Emerald.

"Idiot! I told you at Beacon that I am loyal to Cinder and that I wouldn't let you get in her way. But now you're here tracking me down and for what? To get caught by this freak who literally almost ended your life! You stupid idiot!" She yelled out in complete frustration.

Nolo hung his head low as he heard the tone of her voice. He knew she was serious, that she meant everything she said. What could he do? How could he make her see that she had a good heart? "It's because I believe in you." He muttered to himself.

"What?" She simply said with a confused look on her face.

Nolo hesitated for a second but shook his head and looked into her eyes with determination "I can't give up on you Emerald. If you were truly evil you wouldn't have saved me right now. I know you're a go-"

"Wait! Before you get into that can you please put your clothes on." She cut him off as she looked to the side not trying to look at his body up and down.

Nolo's eyes widened as he looked down to see he was still in his boxers. He had totally forgotten that he was stripped. He looked to his left to see his clothes on the floor and quickly walked over and put them on. As he was adjusting his jacket he gave off a serious look that Emerald noticed. "Emerald you are a good person I can see it. Despite the fact that you're doing evil things I know there's a part of you that doesn't want to do those things." He said as he gazed into her eyes.

Emerald was determined to stay tough and be stern with him "What are you not understanding!? I can't do anything else but this! I owe Cinder everything, I was doing this before you entered my life and I'm not going to change just because you're here now!" She exclaimed.

Nolo smiled at the comment which shocked her entire being. He walked over to her and gently grabbed both of her hands. "That won't stop me from trying Emerald." He said in a sweet tone.

Emerald shook her head as she gritted her teeth, she was getting annoyed with his persistence. She could see he wasn't gonna back down easily. "You idiot! You have no idea what you're getting yourself into. If you keep chasing me down, you're gonna find yourself face to face with Cinder! She won't hesitate to kill you, just like Goosko!" She yelled.

"Goosko?" He asked as he raised his eyebrow.

"The man that tied you up. His name is Edward Goosko he was a patient in this old asylum." She explained which shocked him.

"A-Asylum? This isn't a laboratory?" Nolo asked.

Emerald shook her head at his question. "This is an Asylum that was shut down by the Atlas Military years ago. It's being used as a laboratory now." She explained.

"So if you know that, then why are you taking part in this?" Nolo asked.

"I'm not! I was sent here to check on this place because the other locations were being destroyed... Real smooth there hotshot." She said which made him nervously scratch his head.

She looked at him as he gave off a goofy smile knowing he and Regulus were the reasons for the destruction of the labs. "Nolo... tell me, why are you so fixated on helping me? We haven't known each other that long-"

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