Chapter 5: Team Up!

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It was a peaceful day at Beacon as Teams RWBY, LUNR, JNPR and ARAM were in class. Some were paying attention to the teacher as he lectured the class and some weren't. Neptune and Arrietty were talking amongst themselves in a whisper tone. Jaune was busy trying to get Weiss to go on a date with him but had no luck. Nolo was throwing paper at Nora who decided to throw one back at him.

Uzziel and the others were busy taking notes, not trying to get the teacher's attention and wanting the class to be over quickly. Once class was over everyone stood up and began to head out the door.

Sun walked over to Uzziel who glanced at him in curiosity, "Need something?" Uzziel asked. Sun nodded "Yeah, we should all head over to Team RWBY's room." He stated.

Lance who was now standing beside Uzziel along with Nolo and Regulus raised an eyebrow "For what?" Lance asked in an uninterested tone.

Sun looked at him to see Team RWBY walking out the door and then back at Lance. "Listen, I overheard Blake and Yang talking, they were talking about a plan they had. Something about the White Fang." He explained with concern.

"The White Fang!? Do you think they found out where they are?" Nolo asked.

Regulus who had his arms crossed looked at Lance "The only way to find out is by going to them directly." Regulus stated. Uzziel nodded "Then I guess that's what we'll do" He proclaimed to the team. Everyone looked at one another and nodded in agreement.

With that said the crew had made their way towards Team RWBY's room. Sun and Neptune had taken a different route then Lance and the others and ended up at Team RWBY's window. They could overhear Ruby and her team talking.

"Right! Everyone remember their roles?" Ruby asked as she looked around at her team. Weiss stood up and nodded at Ruby's question "You and I will head to the CCT and check the Schnee records for any other Dust robberies or inconsistencies. Seeing as I'm in the family, it shouldn't be a problem." She explained.

"The White Fang has regular faction meetings to hand out orders and recruit new members. If I can get in, I can hopefully find out what they're planning." Blake stated with an incredibly serious look painted on her face. "I have an old friend on the shady side of town that typically knows everything going on in Vale. Getting information out of him shouldn't be too hard..." Yang said with a smile on her face.

"Great! We'll meet up tonight near Yang to go over what we found. Let's do this!" Ruby exclaimed while pumping her fist into the air.


The girls stopped cheering as they heard a familiar voice and looked out the window to see Sun hanging upside-down on a tree branch by his tail in their open window. The whole team was taken back.

Blake who was surprised and alarmed looked at him "Sun!" She said. Yang raised an eyebrow "How did you get up there?"

"Ah, it's easy; I do it all the time." He said in a nonchalant manner, which caused Weiss to get suspicious. "You do what?!" She asked nervously.

"I climb trees all the time!" He said without reacting to Weiss' scowl. He flips into the dorm room and looks at them "So, are we finally getting back at that Torchwick guy?"

Blake stepped forward "We are going to investigate the situation... as a team."

"Sorry, Sun. We don't want to get friends involved if we don't have to." Ruby said hoping Sun would understand where she was coming from.

Sun smiled at their remarks "Psh! That's dumb! We should always get friends involved! That's why I brought Neptune!" He stated gesturing out the window.

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