Chapter 37: Coming Together Part 3

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Back in Mistral, Qrow is seen leaning against a stone railing. "This isn't right. I get one or two of them, but... all of them?"

Qrow sighs and hangs his head in disappointment. Suddenly, he hears the sound of Raven's portal behind him. "Raven?" He asked. The sound of a motorcycle is heard coming from the portal. "Oh." He said in a surprised manner, noticing who came through the portal.

Back at the house Ruby and the other's were staying at, all of them were helping prepare dinner. Ruby and Ren were cooking at the stove, Regulus and Midori were preparing a Salad and dinner rolls and Jaune, Arrossire, and Roy were setting up the table, and Nora and Arrietty were cutting carrots, with Nora occasionally eating slices and being scolded by Midori.

"Alright, the first batch is just about done," Ren announced.

"Awesome! Now we just need Qrow and the others and we'll be all set." Ruby said.

"Do you really think he's gonna bring that many people? This is a lot of food." Nora said as she eats another carrot slice. As she reaches for another Midori slaps her hand in a motherly way and wags her finger at her.

"Uh, I don't know, but it sounds like we could use all the help we can get," Ruby replied.

"I'm back!"

Ruby heard Qrow's voice and smiled. "Be right there!"

"You're going to overcook that," Ren said as he looked at her pan.

"No, I'm not, shut up!" Ruby quickly retorted.

"Hey, uh, Ruby... Regulus?" Qrow called from the other room.

"I'm coming!" Ruby exclaimed.

Some smoke comes from the pan Ruby is cooking with. "Fine! You take over." She said to Ren who smiled.

Regulus raised an eyebrow "I wonder what he needs me for." Regulus said. Midori smiled and took his bowl. "I'll handle this you go see what he wants," Midori said as she closed her eyes and started chopping the lettuce in front of her.

Ruby grabbed the tea tray and headed to the living room while Ren finishes the pan's contents. "So, we didn't know how many people were coming, so we just cooked all of it."

She looks up, and gasps as she drops the tea tray and its contents, which shattered on the floor. She stares in disbelief at the sight of not only Qrow but of her older sister Yang, Weiss, Lance and Uzziel. Yang approached her little sister.

Ruby's voice started cracking as she tried to speak. "Yang, I... I'm so sorry! I- I should've stayed, and I should've talked to you more! I'd- I just..." She stuttered as tears start pouring from her eyes. "I wasn't sure if you wanted me around and-"

Suddenly, her big sister gives her a strong hug. Ruby's lips quiver and she looks toward her sister. "I love you," Yang said as tears stream from her eyes.

Ruby sobs as she leans into her sister's hug. "I love you too."

Regulus walks into the room to see the two sisters hugging, before turning his head to see Uzziel, Lance, and Weiss standing near them. His eyes widened for a moment as Lance and Uzziel notice him and their eyes glisten as well.

Lance then looks at Uzziel for a moment and then walking toward Regulus and holding his fist out. Uzziel walks over and does the same put his fist beside Lance's. Regulus smiled back at them and puts his fists beside theirs making a triangle. Jaune and the others enter the room, joyful at the sight of the two sisters embracing each other. Qrow grinned as well. Oscar Pine enters the room. "Uh..." He says to himself as he looked up, seeing Ruby and Yang hugging. Weiss smiles as she wipes a tear from her eye, before frowning while looking down.

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