Chapter 36: Coming Together Part 2

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Back with Weiss and Uzziel...

The cargo ship has crashed in a forest. Weiss is lying injured on the ground with clothes dirtied as two bandits approach her.

"Help... please." She said

"What do you think?" The bandit asked.

Weiss looks to the bandits left to see Raven walking towards her to take a position between the two bandits and directly above Weiss.

"I think... we just hit the jackpot." She said

As this was going on Uzziel crawled out of the ship through the broken windshield. You could see that he was hurt by his movements. He slowly tried to stand and looked to his right to see Raven and her bandits standing over Weiss.

Weiss' face turns to one of concern as she looks up at Raven, who stomps on her face, causing her to lose consciousness. Uzziel's growled and was about to charge at her but quickly lost consciousness and fell to the ground.

Back with Regulus and the others...

Oscar Pine is seen sitting on a red armchair, nervously looking at everyone around him as they fawn over him.

"Did he age backward?" Nora asked.

"He's possessed!" Jaune and Arrossire exclaimed in unison.

"Or reincarnated!" Ren said stating the obvious.

"Oh! Isn't it weird? Ruby Asked.

Oscar nodded, "It is very weird, yes."

"Okay, okay. Let's all just take a second and remember that this is very overwhelming for everyone." Qrow said as he emerges from the kitchen holding a cup in his hand.

Team RNJR all step back together and nervously chuckles.

"Thanks," Oscar said as he looked at Qrow who nodded.

Qrow then takes a seat on the couch next to Oscar, Dyna, and Estelle. Ruby, Midori, Arrietty, and Nora have taken a seat on the couch perpendicular to Qrow's, while Jaune, Arrossire Roy, Regulus, and Ren remain standing. Oscar then shares a brief look with Ruby, who giggles, causing Oscar to blush.

"Ah, sorry!" He says as he briefly looks away. "It's just I've never really met Huntsmen and Huntresses before," Oscar stated as he scratched the back of his head.

"Well, uh... we've never met a person with two souls! So, first times all around." Ruby joked.

Oscar smiles and chuckles at Ruby before he hears Qrow clear his throat.

"Not to break up the whole 'getting-to-know-you' game, but we need to have a talk. Mind showing us your little parlor trick, kid? Dyna looks like she's getting impatient." Qrow said as he looked at Dyna who had her arms crossed and tapping her finger on her arm.

"Yeah, okay." Oscar groans "Just so you know, I'll still be here."

Everyone looks at him in confusion. Oscar then lowers his head and closes his eyes. Suddenly, a green and white aura shines from his body for a moment, Oscar opens up his eyes, which are now glowing, and he smiles. When he speaks, they all hear a familiar voice overlapping with a bunch of other voices, including Oscar's.

"It is so very good to see you again, students."

Everyone shares a brief looks of confusion. "Wait, what just happened?" Regulus asked.

"Professor... Ozpin?" Estelle called out.

"Correct. And though I may be the one speaking, Oscar is still present mentally. He's merely handed over the control, so to speak." Ozpin explained.

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