Chapter 35: Coming Together

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Back in Mistral after Qrow had brought Regulus and his group to the house Ruby and the others were staying at, they all began catching up. "Ruby!" Arrietty exclaimed as she dashed at Ruby with her arms open.

"Arrietty!" Ruby also exclaimed as she dashed towards Arrietty with her arms open. The two embrace and smile at one another

"How have you been, I'm so glad you're alright," Ruby said.

"I'm glad you're alright too, I was so worried about you guys," Arrietty responded.


Everyone turned around to see Nora holding Midori by her waist and lifting her into the air. Midori laughed and put her hands on Nora's arms " Stop it Nora, put me down!" She replied.

"But you're so cute!" Nora said as she spun around with Midori in her hands.

"I'm glad to see you guys made it out okay my friend," Ren said as he shook Regulus's hand.

Regulus grinned feeling welcomed and shook his hand back "Same to you." He responded.

"Hey Regulus, where's the rest of your team?"Jaune asked as he looked at Regulus.

Regulus turned his head to Jaune "From what Qrow told me, Uzziel and Lance are on their way here. As for Nolo... we... got into a fight recently. He left us and I have no idea where he is." Regulus explained.

Nora put her hands on her hips and looked at Regulus as she tilted her body forward. "You guys shouldn't be fighting. Aren't you two brothers?" She asked, scolding Regulus in the process.

"It's not like I want to. The last thing I want to do is fight with him. But we're siblings so it's bound to happen from time to time." Regulus explained.

"He's right, having problems with your sibling is normal. There were times when Yang and I were mad at each other, but we always found a way to work it out."

Everyone turned their heads to the left side to see Estelle walking towards them. "I don't know how many times my brother and I have gotten into it. But we always find a way to make things better. I could never stay mad at him for too long." She said with a smile on her face.

"You said you're Uzziel's sister right? You're so beautiful, I love the hair." Nora complimented as she popped up behind Estelle and observed her long red hair.

Estelle giggled and gave Nora a warm smile "Thank you." She replied.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. They tense up and look at each other before Jaune cautiously goes to open it. The young boy that met with Qrow was on the other side, looking hesitant and uncomfortable. Jaune looks back over his shoulder at the others and Nora shrugs.

"Can I... help you?" Jaune asked.

"Um... yeah. Is there a Ruby Rose here?" The boy asked.

Regulus and the others immediately stand up, cautious and defensive. Midori walks over towards Regulus and looks at the boy "Why?" She asked with a serious look on her face.

"Well..." The boy started before he looks to his left and Qrow appears, moving drunkenly and grabbing the boy by the shoulders. "I found him!" He exclaimed. Qrow snorts into his hand and continues laughing as he stumbles into the house.

"I think her uncle could use some help." The boy said.

Qrow almost makes it to the couch before he stumbles and saves his balance by falling backward onto the cushions. "Whoa. Ugh." Qrow mumbled while settling onto his back and folding his arm over his eyes. "I found him."

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