Chapter 26: Darling

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Krisis could be seen flying high in the sky looking around and scanning the area. He turned his head back and forth and stopped moving for a moment before heading towards the ground. He made his way to Regulus and his team as they were running up to Krisis. "Did you find him?" Arrietty asked. Krisis shook his head as he turned his head to the left and scanned the area once more.

"The stupid one isn't here. I'm sure he went to one of the bases." Krisis replied.

"Krisis that's not nice, you don't need to insult him," Midori said as she held her finger up and wagged it Krisis in a scolding manner.

Krisis shrugged as he smiled "But it's true. The green haired girl is using him. He was a pawn to give up valuable information." He explained.

Midori gave him an angry look that only a mother could give. Krisis started sweating nervously and decided that it was best to shut up. Midori then turned her attention to Regulus and gave him a worried look. "So what do you want to do, Regulus?" She asked.

Regulus thought for a moment and then sighed as he looked up at the sky "Finding him would be the best option but both bases are an hour away. I know we chose to check the east location, but if he's not there and he finds himself into trouble I'll have no way of saving him." Regulus said.

Roy walked towards Regulus and put a hand on his shoulder. "Siblings will always have their problems, but if you stand around too long, then you won't be able to help him. We'll just have to choose a path and hope it's right." Roy stated.

Regulus nodded as he turned and looked at his teammates "I would advise splitting up, but there's no telling how many people will be at either base. The last thing we need is for all of us to get trapped and killed." Regulus stated.

"He knew we were going to the West location first so I'm pretty sure he decided to take the East location hoping that we wouldn't follow. I'm sure he'll be there." Arrossire said.

"You might be right, besides that... Nolo is a huntsman and he's just as tough as the rest of us. I have faith in him no matter how foolish he may be." Regulus replied.

"If we have it all figured out then we need to get going the more we sit here talking the less time we have to save him," Krisis said as he took to the skies again. Regulus and the others looked at one another and nodded in unison before following him on foot. Arrossire jumped into the air and started to fly with Krisis scanning the area for any aerial attacks.


The reaction the man received was not the one he was hoping for. Nolo's screaming face contorting in fear throwing himself away from the door and back into a sewing table. His eyes met Nolo's and the man wished that it wasn't so dark so that he could see the color of 'her' beautiful wide eyes as they bore into him with a look of horror. He took her in as he breathed heavily at the glass in his excitement, his eyes blown wide at her beauty as the glass fogged slightly from his heavy breathing. He had truly seen Nolo as a beautiful woman.

The man noticed that her brown hair was a mess upon her head, her eyes were wide, her skin a beautiful color and he felt the urge to rub his fingers over it. Nolo noticed that this man was delusional and knew that he needed to take him out immediately. He came here for Emerald, he didn't come here to deal with lunatics. Nolo quickly pulled out his pistols and was about to shoot the glass until the man held up his hand and it started to glow yellow.

The man's hand started to glow yellow as did Nolo's weapons. Nolo noticed this and before he could do anything else... they disappeared. In a blink of an eye, Nolo's weapons were gone which shocked him completely. "What the hell?" Nolo asked himself.

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