Chapter 34: Welcome To Haven

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The city of Mistral was divided into multiple levels; the higher one goes, the nicer it is. A massive platform in the middle of the city acts as an elevator to descend and ascend through Mistral. The city is full of various buildings and vendors selling merchandise legally and illegally. Haven Academy rests at the top of the tallest point.

Regulus's group approaches a pair of large wooden double doors, which Dyna opens, flooding the tunnel they were in with sunlight. Midori runs out onto a massive platform that doubles as an elevator, stopping at the railing to gaze out over the city in wide-eyed awe.

"Welcome to the city of Mistral," Dyna said.

"Wow!" Midori said as she looked around. The others join her to take in the view of buildings and stone stairways perched on mountains.

"This... is... awesome!" Arrietty exclaimed with excitement.

Below them, large crowds of people are going about their day, walking around, talking and buying merchandise. "It's certainly something," Estelle replied.

Arrietty noticing a kiosk selling weapons pointed towards it "Oh my gosh, look at all the weapons!"

"Vendors here will sell you just about anything... whether they should or not," Estelle explained giving the vendor a disapproving glare.

"They made the most out of these mountains," Arrossire said as he continued to look around.

"Every inch. Stay away from the lower levels. We should get a better look at the higher levels. Much more to see," Dyna added.

Arrietty smiled and pointed upward "And we are going up!"

Estelle nodded and smiled at her "Yes we are...but before that..." She paused as she turned around to look at Krisis who tilted his head to the side, trying to figure out why she was looking at him.

"What are we going to do about your friend? No offense but people are not going to take it well if they see him walking around." She explained.

Dyna nodded "She's right, his appearance resembles a Grimm. People are definitely going to be afraid of him." She added.

"Yeah, that could be a major problem," Arrossire said as he tried to figure out a plan.

"That won't be a problem."

Everyone turned to look at Midori who started to walk over to Krisis. "The last time we stopped Regulus and I had a feeling something like this was going to happen so we came up with a solution for Krisis's problem." She said.

Regulus nodded as she then stood in front of Krisis and smiled "Alright Krisis, It's time." She said a cheerful voice.

"Okay. But can we get tater tots and chocolate later?" He asked.

"Yes, but you have to be on your best behavior. If you're not then you'll get nothing but vegetables." She said as she wagged her finger at him.

Krisis nodded and did as he was told as he started to shrink before everyone's eyes. His body began to get smaller and smaller until he was hard to see. Krisis then flew to Midori's shoulder and sat on it as he looked out to the people.

Krisis had become the size of an ant and everyone was astounded as Arrossire and Arrietty got very close to Midori's shoulder to try and see Krisis. "That's amazing!" Arrietty praised.

"Was he always able to do that" Roy asked.

Regulus nodded turning his attention to Roy "Krisis can change the size of his body along with shape-shifting it. That's why you see him stretching out his arms and wrapping them around people." Krisis explained.

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