Chapter 1: Enter Team LUNR

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Our story begins in Mistral where Haven Academy was located. A young Faunus could be seen sighing as he walked down the halls of Haven Academy. Lance Takahashi, the seventeen-year-old boy wonder. His name meant Aura mastery and Augmentation. The boy stood at 6 foot with a slim to lean figure, with piercing green eyes that saw through his dark messy hair, black like the night sky. Protruding from his messy hair were two black horns short yet pointed. His firm jaw line was framed by the locks as well as other strong facial features.

The man wore simple clothing, a light long sleeved shirt under a long sleeved leather trench coat always opened to flow behind him, covering his thin tail. His pants were dark gray slightly baggy but tightened around his ankles descending into his gun metal gray boots that were armored. His gloved hands pushed through his shaggy hair as his other armored glove grabbed his weapon. Twilight's Edge; the name of his sword that was a bit longer than a normal katana. The blade itself was dark black that had mechanically wired an electric current through it causing the resonance of the sword to glow dark purple when charged. He had this sword for its ability to cut through damn near any material from paper to stones or grime armor.

"Teams..." He mumbled as he continued to walk through the halls letting go the hilt of his blade. Teenaged kids were passing him by as he walked while looking at the floor with his hands in his pockets. He had a strained expression on his face.

"Where are you off to Lance?"

Lance turned to see Regulus, a gallant man standing strong and tall 6'3 with a strong chin towards the horizon. His head was dressed with long thick golden brown dreadlocks in a sort of Lion's mane design with golden rings around the ends with dark golden tips. He had a strong bone structure for a face, firm jaw. His eyebrows were thick with the right eyebrow pierced with a black ring, his eyes were a dark shade of brown, almost soulless. His skin was that of a brown raining smooth without defect. Upon his broad torso was a black leather vest a symbol on the back of a Roaring lion's head, with a slash over its left eye. Under the Vest were a series of belts and straps along his lower torso crisscrossing this helped hold his weapon of choice, Gatlance a Knight's Lance that transforms into a Gatling Gun, around his waist. A belt continued holding up the man's black acid washed jeans rounding out about his ankles were his feet could be seen in sand colored wooden sandals.

"The auditorium is the other way, Lance." The Lion Faunus said.

Lance sighed "Maybe I don't want to go there." He playfully pouted. Regulus stood proudly with his hands in his pockets "Don't worry about it. We'll be fine." He stated simply.

Lance raised an eyebrow "How are you so sure of that. I mean anything can happen." Lance replied as he looked down to the ground.

Regulus sighed "I don't know if this is the laziness in you talking or not but you were made Leader for a reason. We all believe in you... you just need to believe in yourself." He said.

Lance thought to himself for a second and looked at his partner. He knew Lance was right, he was just named the leader for their team and he was letting the pressure get to him. He was afraid he was going to let his team down.

Lance who finally decided to just shrug the thought off smiled and looked at Regulus "You're right, we can do this!" He said. Regulus nodded and pointed towards the doors "Let's go everyone is waiting for us.!" He exclaimed.

"Right!" Lance said as he started to walk with Regulus. The two made their way into the Auditorium where the lights were dim but everything could be seen clearly. As they made their way into the room they noticed two men standing amongst the other students that filled the area.

One wore a jacket with fur around the collar to keep him warm in the breeze the leather coat whipped behind him as his stance stood firm not wavering to the forces of nature. He stood at 5'8, same as Lance. Under his fur coat was a simple white wife beater tucked into his black pants with a few pockets and a variety of zippers. His pants were tucked into his black battle boots. He had red crimson eyes and short black smooth hair with red highlights, he had three bangs that hung over his face. On two holsters that were on both sides of his pants were his weapons... interesting and unique just as he was, Tonfa like weapons but these were no ordinary Tonfa... these were metal not just any metal adamantium the strongest metal in the world... the Tonfa had blades emerging from them and could extend longer for greater reach and on the hilt was a hidden trigger to shoot dust particles at any enemy opponent.

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