Chapter 12: Round 2

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The match between Team ARAM and Team ABVD was about to begin. Arrietty looked towards her opponents who looked ready for battle. Their first opponent was a young man with a rough and confident composure. He has weathered skin, with a couple of scars. One small curved scar across his far left temple and three claws going from left to right down his right wrist. He is athletic in build but seems quite slim and undefined as far as the muscles in his arms are concerned. His hair is long and dark brown, but it is untidy and far from well-kept, which also adds to this rugged appearance.

He adorns a tight long grey coat with a Brown tattered and torn sleeveless leather jacket. Under the jacket is a simple white t-shirt, partially revealed. He also wears a pair of sturdy dark brown boots.

The second opponent had a finely shaved head of pale blonde hair. Thin, but athletic in build. He has a pair of beady bright orange eyes, which constantly create an impression of enthusiasm and determination. He wears a pair of mud brown and green camouflage combats, which are covered with many pockets.

He wears a pair of powerful black military boots, which are constantly left cut and muddy due to Gian's desire to look much more formidable. He also wears a pale green vest t-shirt, which unfortunately is not befitting of his small size. A dark brown leather shoulder bag, which he carries nuts, bolts, and tools.

The third teammate was a female with a strong athletic build, but she is tall and slender as well. Her dark purple hair is long and straight but is well kept. Her eyes are an elegant emerald, which creates more of a regal look about her. Her skin is a bright and silky, which complements her hair perfectly and has almost no imperfections.

She wore a royal purple 18th-century sailing captain's coat. The coat has two short tails that stop just above her thigh, extending outwards slightly. The turn-ups on the coat are a gleaming ivory, with the details being a beautifully designed gold. Beneath the coat, is a neat white blouse, which has very short sleeves and a flowered design around the shoulders. Over the lower part of the blouse is a fine gold sash, which is tied off at her left side. Alongside this coat, she wears a pair of tight white breeches, which are met just below the knee with a pair of thick black leather boots.

The fourth teammate was athletic, not heavy set, but looks strong. She had thick dark blue hair, which she has tied back in a ponytail, which is held in place by a dark blue leather band. One strand of hair is white, which goes across the top of her head. Her skin is a fine ivory, which looks and feels soft to the touch. She wears a dark blue tunic, which stops just above the knee and has long sleeves which stretch over her hands to incorporate her thumb. On her legs, she wears a pair of light grey legging, which are met at the knee by her tall brown leather boots. Over her shoulders, she wears a sleeveless piece of white fur. On her upper arms, she wears three sheets of silver plate armor, a vambrace, lightly inscribed with a white metal. On her head is a fine silver metal lace with a sapphire as its centerpiece.

Arrietty smiled and waved her hand at the first teammate "Aras! It's been a while!" She called out.

Aras smiled and shook his head as he crossed his arms "We saw each other yesterday, what do you mean it's been awhile?" He replied back.

Arrietty pouted as she heard his reply "That can still be considered a while."

Midori smiled and looked at the second, third and fourth teammates "Bron, Viola, Dalia, I wish you all the best of luck." She said in a sweet tone.

"Thanks, same to you. Roy, I'm looking for a good match with you. I want your best." Aras said as he looked Roy in the eye. Roy nodded "I expect the same from you, I want a good fight." He responded.

The two teams continued exchanging pleasantries for a short time, their friendship and knowledge of one another stretching from coming from the same academy.

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