Chapter 47: The Next Generation

Start from the beginning

"Enjoy the next few months of sleep, it's the best you'll get for a while," JJ laughed.

"Yeah, I'm not looking forward to that." I sighed, taking another sip of my water.

Over the next few minutes, the rest of the team arrived. I smiled and winked at Morgan, knowing he'd recognize my heels as the same I wore last night, and my chain necklace was similar to the collar he'd worn, just all metal.

"Hi, Derek," I smiled, "How are you?"

"A little tired, but okay," he kept his voice even, "Where's pretty boy?"

"With the kids," I angled my head down the hall.

Emily, who'd arrived a few minutes before, raised an eyebrow at me, noticing my teasing tone during the interaction, but I just smiled.

"(Y/N), will you go find Spencer and the boys? We should sit down for dinner before it gets too late." Hotch asked.

I nodded, walking down the hall, heels clicking. I found the small playroom where Henry, Jack, Penelope, and Spencer were sitting, all playing together with LEGOs; Spencer was explaining physics using different builds as examples. I smiled and leaned against the door, just watching them for a second.

"So, even though there's more weight on this side, these bricks are also closer to the center, so it's even, since the side with fewer bricks has the weight further out." He was explaining. "But if we were to move these out, the weight would be uneven, and this side will drop."

"Hey, boys," I said as he finished, "Dinner time, go wash your hands."

Garcia stood, leading Jack and Henry to the bathroom. I smiled at Spencer, who was deconstructing the LEGOs.

"Having fun?" I asked as he sorted them.

"Mhm! I was explaining leverage and using the bricks to explain, they have a consistent density, so it's easier than using other toys." He explained.

"You're adorable," I walked forward and helped him to his feet, "C'mon, it's dinner time."

"Can I have a kiss first?" He asked, pouting jokingly.

I pulled him close to me, kissing him, "Always, baby."

"Ew!" Jack yelled dramatically from the doorway.

I turned, putting my hands up jokingly, "Okay, sorry, I know, cooties. Let's go have dinner."

He nodded and led us to the dining room, where everyone else was already sitting.

"Sorry, everyone, we were sharing cooties," I joked as we sat.

"We never would have guessed," Rossi said dryly, "Not like you're pregnant or anything."

I shook my head and sighed as we all began digging into the feast Aaron had prepared. Spencer made sure I avoided anything with alcohol, double-checking with Hotch about everything. He'd avoided alcohol in every dish, though, so I reminded Spencer to calm down. I helped Hotch clear the table and put everything in containers, then helped bring out dessert: ice cream, tiramisu, and cake (iced wonderfully by Jack). The two kids ate quickly, then ran back to the playroom. Spencer followed soon after, at their insistence.

"Coffee, anyone?" Aaron asked, walking towards the kitchen.

I raised my hand, "If you have decaf. Spencer would smack me if I had regular."

"Pretty boy has pretty strict rules, huh?" Morgan teased, "What's he going to you, punish you?"

"Watch your mouth, Derek," I growled.

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