Chapter 9

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Deku POV

I wake in a hospital bed. "Where am I?!" I shout. A nurse runs in, "Oh, Izuku Midoryia?" The nurse asks walking to me. "Yes." I say sitting up in the bed. "I'm glad your awake. Your mother came an hour ago and let you a note. Also, All might is here to see you." She says looking at her notes. I nod and she walks out of the door. A minute later, All might walks in and shuts the door behind him. "Hey, All might." I say a bit embarrassed. He sighs and sits in the chair next to me. "How did I get here?" I ask him. "Ochako brought you to back into the school. You were passed out so we sent you to the hospital in case you were damaged." He explains. "Oh, Is Eri alright?" I ask. "Yes. She is in Aizawa's hospital room as we speak. They have a very close friendship." All might says. "How are all the pros doing?" I ask him as I lay back down on my bed. "Lucky for them, you were there to defeat that nomu. They were beaten bad. They're all in recovery right now." He says. "Okay, that's all my questions answered." I sigh and close my eyes. "I have a question though." All might says. "Yes?" I ask turning to him. "Why did you carelessly try to fight that nomu?" He asks seriously to my face. I gulp before I answer his question. "Well, I couldn't let him keep beating all the pros like that. After I saw endeaver passed out on the broken glass, I kinda just went with my angry." I say sitting back up and looking at my hands. "Well, You need to have more control over yourself, Young midoriya." All might says patting my head. I smile a little as he gets up. "You really know how to be a hero." He says walking out of the door. He closes the door and I look over at my mom's note. I pick it up and read it,

Dear Izuku,
Hey, Dear. It's your mom, I hope you're fine when you are reading this. I visited you today but you were still asleep. When you can I'd like you to call me. I hope the doctors take good care of you. I love you, My baby.
Love, Your mother.

I smile at her note and get my phone.
I wait for her to answer, The ringing stops, "Hello?" She asks. "Hey, mom." I say. "Oh, My baby. You're alright." She says and gives out a sigh. "Yeah, I just woke up about 10 minutes ago." I tell her. I look over to the window of my room. I was on the second floor of the building. The view of the ocean right next to me looked so beautiful. "How are you doing?" She asks me. "Oh I'm well, I'm not really hurt." I say. "Oh. Well I'm glad." She says sighing one last time. I can't help but smile at my mother's sighs. "Well, I'm going let you rest." She says. "Okay, mom. Love you." I say. "I love you more, Izuku. Stay safe." She says. "I will." I say hanging up and putting my phone back down on my stand.

You are mine | Deku x Ochako | MHATempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang