Chapter 1

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Hi! Welcome to my Fanfic about Deku and Ochako. I just want to say, This is right after season 4. I know there is a season 5 now, but everything in season 5 doesn't happen in this AU. And Also, I made all of their dorm rooms have their own Bathrooms. And I just wanna say, If you ship other ships (Todoroki x Deku, Bakugo x Deku, Ochako x Bakugo etc.) There are conversations between the characters. So yeah, Bye. Enjoy ✨
-Chloe (July 1st 2021, 10:53 pm)
Deku POV:
I yawn as I stretch at my desk. It's only 9 am and I'm exhausted. I couldn't get any sleep at all. I was up thinking about stuff. I can never get enough sleep. "Okay class, you have 10 minutes before your next class." Mr. Aizawa said getting his sleeping bag ready. Everyone gets up and leaves as I keep packing my books. "Midoriya, Time to go."
I look up to see Tenya standing in front of me. "O-oh.. Sorry, Tenya. I'll be done in a minute."  I say to him as I get my bag. "You have dark circles under your eyes. Not enough sleep?" He asks me. "I've been having trouble." I say as I stand up. We both walk out the class room. "Hi guys!" Uraraka says jumping right in front of us. "Oh hello, Uraraka." Tenya says. "Oh h-hey, Uraraka." I say blushing. She backs up noticing how close she was and we're both a red hot mess. "I have tea ready if anyone wants some!" Momo yells with a tray of tea. She passed out tea to everyone and we used our 10 minutes for talking and drinking tea.

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