Chapter 22

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"What do you mean? Is he not in there?" Iida asks. He looks into the room, He turns back to look worried. "We need to find Bakugo." He says to us. "He could help us fight." We rush to his room and slam open the door. He and Kirishima were talking on his bed. "Come on guys! The league of Villains are attacking!" I say to them. "Bakugo doesn't want to go." Kirishima says walking us at the door. "What are you talking about? We don't have time." Iida says. "He doesn't want the same thing to happen like last time." Kirishima says. We hear another crash outside and it makes the whole building shake. Iida looks back to Bakugo and sighs, "Let's go!" He says pointing to the exit. We all rush with Iida as Kirishima closes the door. We rush outside to see Mr. Aizawa and Midnight fighting another Nomo, It looked similar to the one before it. But, it's not the same this time.. Dabi stood next to it, He's bright blue flames were easy to see. Mr. Aizawa had used his quirk for too long on Toga, Who was next to dabi. She looked over to me and smiled. "Ah, Deku! Hi!" She says waving at me. Dabi starts to use his flames but Mr. Aizawa uses his quirk and Toga runs to me with her knife. "Let me bloody you up, Izuku!" She says quickly swinging her knife at me while I dodge and everyone backs up. "Deku!" Ochako yells to me. As me and Toga fight Iida runs to Mr. Aizawa. "What have you villains come for?!" Iida asks. "Wouldn't you like to know." Dabi says still next to the nomu. Mr. Aizawa quickly runs over and attacks Dabi while they fight I finally pin Toga down with my quirk. "Okay..." I huff. Toga giggles a little. "Is that Ochako girl your girlfriend now?" She asks. "That's none of your business." I tell her. "Aw.. That's too bad, I really liked you." She says. She distracts me and I look back to Ochako, I make sure she is okay before taking on toga. I fill a sharp pain in my leg. I quickly turn back to toga who stabbed me. I quickly jump off her as she hops back to dabi. She nods and they both get on the nomu who flys off. "What just happened?" Mr. Aizawa asks me. "I don't know but she stabbed me." I say pointing to the stab wound. "We need to get you to recovery girl!" He says helping me up. "Deku, Are you okay?!" Ochako asks me rushing over. "Uraraka, Take him, I need to help the others. Mr. Aizawa says. She nods and takes my arm and puts it over her shoulder.
We quietly walk to U.A as I hear her hold back her tears. I stop in my tracks which makes her jump a little. I lift my arm a bit and turn her to me. I see tears run down her face, I put her face in my hands and wipe her tears. She seems embarrassed by it as her face turns red. "Please.. Don't cry. It's not your fault." I tell her. I take her hands, "Yes it is. If you hadn't turn back to me, she wouldn't have stabbed you." She says looking down. "I'm fine." I say. She shakes her head and continues to lead me to recovery girl.

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