Chapter 29

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Ochako POV again:
We met up a minute before when we were supposed to meet up and almost everyone has there except..
"Bakugo, Kirishima, and Sero.." Iida says. He sighs as he looks around waiting for them. "Relax, Iida." Yaoyorozu says. She pats him on the back but we all look to Bakugo and kirishima walking up to us. "Where's sero?" I ask Kirishima. "I dunno. He went to the bathroom and never came back." Kirishima says. "You didn't go check on him?!" Iida says using his harsh tone on them. "Look, All I know is somethings going on with this mall." Bakugo says. "What..What do you mean?" I ask him. "People have been going missing. And we did go check on sero. But, he wasn't there, We hoped he came to meet early." Kirishima explains. "D-Deku.. Do you see anything?" I ask him. He turns to me he hums to himself and then smiles. "Nope, Nothing out of the ordinary." He says. I shrug as I look back at Kirishima. We soon see Sero rushing towards us with bruises on his arms, legs, and face. He falls right in front of us, We all help him up. "Sero, What happened?!" Hagakure asks him. He coughs, "I saw the League by the bathroom. I saw all of them but.. That girl toga." He says still coughing. I feel Deku's hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry, Uraraka." He says to me. I place my hand on his, "I know I'm safe with you here, Izuku." I tell him, He smiles to me.
Deku POV:
I notice that I was in a dark place, I saw other people tied up but they were knocked out. They weren't civilians like I had thought. They were lower class heroes. Smaller heroes who were only known in our city. My heart raced when I heard foot steps in the distance. I struggled to get my arms loose, It didn't work. "Hmmmhp!" I tried to shout to anyone, but It only came out as mumbles because of the tape. "Ah, you're awake." The figure says. I couldn't see who it was since it was so dark. They walked out of the darkness and into the dim light. It was Tomura Shigaraki. His sinister laugh made my nerves spike up. "Wow, didn't think it would be so easy to snatch you right under your friends noses." He says taking the piece of tape off my mouth. I grunt as he rips it off, "Just you wait, Shigaraki! My friends will notice that I'm gone." I say to him. He laughs once again, "I don't think so, Remember when Toga pretended to be you? She was only you for a few minutes.. And she got a lot of your blood.." He says tabbing his chin. My heart drops when I realize where he's going with this. My face turned white I looked down at the floor in horror. "I see you understand now. Yes, it's true. Toga still has enough blood. No one will notice you're actually gone." He says he pats my head.
"You'll be staying for awhile." He turns and starts to walk away. "You- You won't get away with this! Wait until I break out!" I shout still struggling in the rope. He gives me a small chuckle. "I'm sure you will escape, Izuku Midoryia. You can try to leave, But Fail miserably."
He continues to walk out and to a door. I tug on the rope, But I stop. I have to make a plan..
Ochako POV:
We made it back to U.A. While everyone was making sure Sero was okay, I walk with Deku down the halls of the dorm, We stop in the middle of the hallway. He gives me a small nervous smile. I tilt my head in curiosity, "Um, Are you okay, Deku?" I ask him. I take his hand in mine which makes him uncomfortable again. "Okay, Seriously, What's wrong? You've been acting strange every since we went to the mall." I tell him stepping in front of him. He stays silent for a bit, "Oh, That mall gave me flash backs to the day where I saw Shigaraki." He says rubbing the back of his neck. "Oh, I'm sorry." I say to him. He shrugs and continues to stand looking around. "Uh, I'll stay in my room tonight.. I need to get some work done." I say smiling. He nods and I continue to walk to his dorm. He follows behind me, I stop in front of his dorm. "Here you go!" I say a little confused if he forgot where his dorm was.. or if he was being weird for some other reason. "Oh, thanks for walking with me to my room." He says waving as he enter his dorm. He shuts the door and I still stand there. I lean up to the door, seeing if I could hear anything.
"Ugh, There wasn't enough blood for 2 days! How long does he expect me to do this.." He says. Blood? Why would Deku need blood? I continue to listen in. "Poor, Izuku.. He has to deal with that Ochako Uraraka. I wish I could see how bloody he is right now!" He says. I gasp a little and hear him stop. The room fell silent for a bit and I decide to hide. I rush to the corner of the hall and ducked behind the wall. He pushes the door open and looks around. He shrugs and closes the door again. I sigh and fall to the ground, My heart is racing so fast.. I have to find out where the real Deku is. That's obviously Toga as Deku, So it's the League. I can't go by myself so I need someone else to help..
and I know who it should be.
Hi! Hope you enjoyed! I know I said this chapter would only be like.. 800 words at the most.. But, The whole chapter alone was 954. Of course this little paragraph will add a few words. Anyway, Another chapter will be out soon, Be ready for another chapter with this any words 🥰

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