Chapter 36

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Ochako's Fingers quickly intertwined with mine as we walk over piles of snow. She looks up at the snow falling and sticks her tongue out trying to catch one. I use my free hand to cover my mouth, Trying not to laugh. "What are you doing?" I ask.
"I'm trying to catch a snowflake with my tongue." She says pointing to the sky. She decided to wear a long fluffy coat with a pink scarf. She wore thick black leggings and boats. I just found a black coat and some pants that looked warm enough and some boats. Her eyes light up as one finally hits her tongue. "Ha! Did it!" She says laughing and turning to face me. "Yeah, I see." I say wiping a bit of water from the corner of her mouth. I look around and most of our classmates were out playing in the snow. I even saw some students from class 1-B too. Everyone was having fun. Of course, Some of the students, Like Tsu, Was still inside. But, Most of the students were out. Ochako taps on my shoulder and I turn back to her. She points to a bench by a tree. "Do you want to sit down?" I ask her. "Yeah." She says nodding. I smile and she drags me to the bench. She pushes some snow off of it and sits. I sit next to her, Our hands were still locked together. My free hand reaches down to her wrist to her new bracelet. My play with it in my hands and I could see her smiling. "What are you love birds doing?" Mina asks Walking in front of us, Making me look up.
"We're just sitting." Ochako says. Mina looks around at everyone playing. "Don't wanna play in the snow?" She asks turning back around. "No, I think we're okay." I say turning back to Ochako, Smiling.
"Okay." She says walking off to Kaminari throwing snow at Jirou. I put my hand on Ochako's cheek and and she puts her hand on my arms. "What are you doing?" She asks giggling as I look in the eyes for a moment. I laugh a little and Place a small kiss on her forehead. "Just looking at my girlfriend." I say moving my face back to look at her. She continues to giggle and blushes. "Is that all I get?" She asks tilting her head.
"Do you want more?" I ask laughing. "Maybe.." She says smirking and looking away. "Okay then." I say.
I lean up to her and give her lips a small peck. She blushes and I slip my hands back next to her. She holds her mouth and her smile somehow becomes even brighter. I watch her face as she relaxes and leans on the bench. She watches more snow fall.
I feel her hand grip harder on mine as she turns to me. She quickly kisses the corner of my lips and looks away, Blushing. I lightly giggle at her kiss and Touch the corner of my lips.
"Deku!" I hear someone yell and I look over to see Eri running up to me and Mirio behind her waving. I wave back to him and Eri quickly jumps up to me and hugs me tightly. "Woah, Are you excited?" I ask her laughing and hugging her back. I hear Ochako laughing at the hug behind me. "She was really excited." Mirio says patting her head and Messing mine up. "Yeah! It's been so long since I've played in snow." She says pointing to it. "Oh, Do you wanna go play?" I ask. She nods quickly and I get up. "Do you want to come too, Ochako?" I ask her. She stands up as well and nods. We all walk over to the snow and Eri jumps in a pile. She picks up a small section and Rolls it into a ball. Of course, It was a strange round ball of snow, But it somehow still worked. She throws it at Mirio and giggles when he jumps and turns away.
"Oh, It's on now!" He says smirking and picking up a lot of snow. "Oh no! Deku save me!" She laughs getting behind me. I laugh and Pretend to guard her. "I won't let you hurt her." I play along and Mirio laughs. He throws the huge snowball and it misses completely hitting Kirishima behind us. We all turn and see him sitting on the ground. "Oh, Kirishima! Are you alright?" Ochako asks helping him up. "Snowball fight!" He shouts and throws one at Mirio who Swats at it. Everyone else hears Kirishima and decides to join in.
It became a huge snowball Fight with snowballs being thrown everywhere.
After, Everyone thought it was best to rest and Warm up inside. Tsu woke up and was sitting on the couch when everyone came back in. Yaoyorozu was making hot chocolate for everyone to drink. We all sat in the lounge with blankets and pillows trying to warm up.
Me and Ochako sat on the end with a big blanket. Tsu, Hagakure and Jirou sat with a blanket in the middle and Mina sat on the other end with her own blanket. Bakugo, Kirishima, And Kaminari shared a blanket on the other couch. Mineata and Himself with a blanket, Sitting on the floor. Todoroki had a blanket by himself also sitting on the floor. Yaoyorozu was passing out hot chocolate. Aoyama was by himself sitting on the other couch as well. Sero was by himself sitting on the floor. Tokoyami and Dark shadow sat on the floor with a blanket. Shouji and Ojirio shared a blanket sitting on the floor. Kouda and Satou shared a blanket on the floor. And last but not least, Iida was helping Yaoyazou with the hot chocolate. And of course, Eri sat with Mirio, Sharinng a blanket. We all had small talk about school and the holidays coming up. Ochako sat behind my legs as I sat with my back to the couch. I wrap my arms around her, Warming her up and also getting a giggle back. Bakugo rolls his eyes at the gesture. "It's okay guys." Kirishima states sighing. "They're in the honeymoon moment right now, soon everything will be back to normal."
I laugh and continue holding onto her as he changes the subject. "Hey, Midoryia. You never told me you were dating Uraraka, But I kinda guessed you were." Mirio says looking up at me. "Yeah, Sorry for not telling you.." I whisper and laugh. "It's fine, Congratulations." He says giving me a thumbs up. I nod and I glance to Eri who is Playing with her hair. She looks up and gives me a bright smile. I can't help but Grin to her. "Here you go, Uraraka." Iida says giving her a cup full of Hot chocolate. "Thank you." She says sipping it. "Midoryia." He says giving me a cup as well. "Thanks, Iida." I tell him nodding. "Here, Mirio. I hope you like it." I hear Yaoyorozu say to Mirio behind us, He sips it and hums. "Thank you, And it's delicious!" He compliments. "Thank you! Here you go Eri." She says smiling and giving Eri a smaller cup. Eri takes it and also tries it. "Yum!" She says wiping some of it off her mouth. "I'm glad you like it." She says holding her hand over her mouth laughing. Mr. Aizawa walks into the room and looks to all of us. "Oh, Mr. Aizawa. Care to join?" Yaoyorozu asks holding a cup of Hot chocolate to him. He looks down at the cup and takes it.
"Sure." He quietly says and sits at the table by the kitchen. Yaoyorozu continues passing out the rest and Sits on the floor next to todoroki. Iida finishes and Sits next to us.
Words: 1312
Hi! Hope you enjoyed this Chapter. I think the next chapter's will be about it snowing and then school and then a event. So, Get ready for more chapters!

You are mine | Deku x Ochako | MHAМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя