Chapter 38

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I feel a breeze tickle my toes and a foot gently rub the back of my foot. A slowly open my eye lids to see a bright glistening light coming from my window. The blinds were slightly open to let the light shine in. I glance over to Ochako, Who was still sleeping. Her hair was a mess, Pieces sticking up everywhere. I giggle and place my palm onto her face. I take a moment to look at her sleeping face. Suddenly, I see her eyes slightly look up at me. I smile as she rubs the rheum (A.k.a Sleep in her eyes) from her eyes. She glances back to me, I was still smiling and I had my hand on her waist now. "Good morning, Sunshine." I say chuckling a little. "Good morning, Baby." She teases. "B-baby?" I repeat, Blushing. "Yeah, That's your pet name." She points out. "Why baby?" I ask trying to hold in a laugh. "Why not? What else can I call you? My love, My dear, Honey, Beloved?-." She asks before I Cut her off. "O-okay, You can call me whatever." I say. "Okay, Everytime I say a pet name.. I give you a kiss! And which ever kiss you react to different, I'll use that name." She explains holding my cheek. "Ochako, That makes no sense." I laugh. "Hmm.. My king." She giggles kissing my cheek. I chuckle as she leans back. "Okay, Love." She says kissing my forehead. "That tickles." I chuckle. "I love you, Baby." She smiles kissing the corner of my lips. My face turns a bright red and I cover it with the blanket. She burst out laughing and sits up. I put the blanket Down and sit up next to her. I watch as a tear forms in her eye, From laughing so hard. I blush and laugh with her. "That was too cute." She says wiping the tear with her finger. I stay silent but I take her free hand and intertwine it with mine. "Hm?" She questions looking over to me. "Princess." I say in a playful way. "Okay.." She says shyly and covers her face. I giggle as she curls up next to me. "What time is it?" I ask her. "I think it's 7:45." She says looking out the window at the bright light. "I think today's our last snow day. Iida said Mr. Aizawa wants us back tomorrow. So let's enjoy this last day." I explain. "Right." She agreed. "I'm going to go take a shower and change." I say pointing to the dresser. I could see her happy expression turn upset right after I said that. I rolled out of bed and onto the wood floor. "Wait, Nooo... Stay with me." She pouts. "Ochako, I'll be like, 5 minutes." I soothed her. "But, Please stay.." She mumbled.
I grab a T-shirt and some pants sitting in my dresser.
"Don't worry, Princess. Right when I get out, I'll cuddle with you." I comfort her. She pouts and crosses her arms. I roll my eyes and smile. I walk into the bathroom and quickly close the door.
Ochako Uraraka POV:
"I can't believe he just straight up left me alone so early!" I think to myself. I could hear water being turned on. I crawl over to the end of the bed and jump off onto the floor. I walk to my clothes and pick some random clothes. It was a white shirt and jeans. I quickly also grab a pink hoodie sitting on top of the dresser. I take my shirt off and replace it with the white shirt and Hoodie.
I finish getting dressed and I take a near by hair brush. I brush through my hair getting all the tangles out. I put the brush down and take a ponytail holder and put my hair in a ponytail. I let my bangs hang out by my cheeks and I quickly pull out my phone to use it as a mirror, I get my mascara out to put a little on.
Whenever I felt satisfied with my look, I finally sat back on the bed. I waited for Izuku to finally get out of the shower. I suddenly hear a door on his door, Which makes my heart race. "Midoryia, Are you in there?" I hear someone ask. It becomes silent for a moment until I hear another knock. "Midoryia, It's me, Aizawa. I need to talk to you." He says. "Oh crap!" I whisper to myself. "Okay, I'm coming in now." He says sighing and I look around for a hiding spot.
"If Mr. Aizawa found out I've been staying in Izuku's room, We'd get in big trouble." I think to myself in panic. I hear the door knob turn to the side and I make a run to the bathroom and rush to get inside the room. "O-Ochako?! W-what are you-." Izuku shouts. I cut him off, "Sssh!" I whisper and turn to him with no shirt on. "Mr. Aizawa is in your room.." I mumble pointing and trying not to blush hard. He sighs and takes the towel and drys his hair. He finally puts it down and Walks over to the bathroom door. "Go climb into the shower and close the curtains." He says. I nod and quickly run to the shower and close the curtains to hide myself.
Izuku Midoryia POV:
"I can't believe this is happening." I think to myself and turn to Ochako hiding in the shower. I open the bathroom door and see Mr. Aizawa by my bedroom door. "Oh, Midoryia, There you are." He says. "Hello, Mr. Aizawa. Sorry, I was taking a shower." I Apologized. "It's fine, I just wanted you to know that I'm allowing Students to go out to town today for their last snow day." He declares. "Okay, Thank you." I say. He nods and leaves the room. I lock the door and walk back to the bathroom to see Ochako standing in the door way. I blush when I realize I still don't have a shirt on. "Here.." She mumbles, Handing me the shirt. "Thanks.." I Mutter, My face a bright red as I put the shirt on. "You promised to cuddle." She giggles, Taking my hand and leading me to the bed.
She jumps onto the bed and I follow her. I wrap my arms around her waist and put my head in the crease of her neck. She wraps her arms around my neck and we silently lay in the bed. "What are we doing today, Baby?" She asked playing with my hair. "I don't know, But Mr. Aizawa said we can go into town." I answer.
"Oh, Yay! We can go on a date!"
Words: 1133
Thank you so much for reading! Sorry for not posting a chapter lately. Hope you enjoyed.
Next chapter will mostly be about how they go into town (Obviously) and go on a date. Ya know.. Izuocha stuff. byeee!

You are mine | Deku x Ochako | MHAWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu