Chapter 44

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Izuku Midoryia's POV:
Finally, The festivities began! Everyone looked so nice with beautiful dresses and very nice suits. Even Mr. Aizawa dressed in a fancy suit for the party, All might also dressed nicely.

Eri was there with a cute dress. She had her hair braided and it looked like her horn was growing a little more.

All the 1-A students dressed up! Even some of Class 1-b stopped by to say hello. They were having their own party.

Finally it was time to open presents and eat.

"Okay, Everyone! It's time to open presents!" Yaoyorozu says waving us all over to the tree.

Everyone slowly surrounds the tree and Ochako makes it over to me. "Finally!" Mineta says, Rubbing his hands together.

"Now, Now.. Christmas isn't about presents, it's about spending time with your family." Iida corrects Mineta.

"Aw, Iida. That's so loving." Mina swoons. "Yes, I think of you all as my family." Iida answers.

"I do too! I love you all so much!" Ochako shouts. I chuckle and place a arm over her shoulder.

"Yeah, You kids are trouble. But we're a family." Mr. Aizawa mumbles. Everyone turns to him in surprise.

"Mr. Aizawa!" Mina exclaims, Almost crying. She runs up to him and hugs him. Ochako quickly follows her and so does the rest of us. Soon, Everyone was in a big group hug. Even Eri joined in.

"Alright, Enough. No more embracing." Mr. Aizawa says putting his arms up. Mina giggles and we all let go.

"Okay, Now we should open presents." Iida says.

Everyone gets their presents and sits in their own corner. Most people got 4 or 5. The most someone got was 14 which was Iida. I got 9, I guess people wanted to give me something. Ochako got 8. Mr. Aizawa got 21. All might somehow got 30.

We all happily opened our presents. And after 30 minutes, Mostly everyone had their presents open. I had one left, so did Ochako.

I saved her's last and she left mine last.

"Oh let's open them together." Ochako says grinning. I nod and hold her present in my hands. It was small but wrapped in pink. It had a cute bow as well, sitting on top of the box.

Mine looked plain next to hers. I felt myself blush in embarrassment. I felt bad that she spend so much time with hers when I just wrapped it in green wrapping paper.

"Okay you first." Ochako says pointing to her gift. "Oh okay." I say reaching for the gift. I carefully take off the wrapping paper and it revealed a white box. I opened the box and inside was a small, green bracelet. It had my name on it.

I pick it up and smile. I put it on and turn my wrist back and forth to look at it.

"I got that since it kinda matches the one you gave me." She explains holding up her wrist.

The small bracelet hung from her wrist. It was the bracelet I gave to her not long ago. Still sporting the infinity sign.

"Thank you so much, Ochako." I exclaim. I quickly pull her into a hug. We silently melt into the hug.

We let go and I grin at my gift sitting in her lap. "Your turn." I say.

She nods and opens my poorly wrapped gift. She holds my present in her hands. It was a small bow that I saw at the mall. It was light pink and a tint of lime green. I thought it was cute.

I got a little nervous when I saw Ochako staring at it. She continued to stay quiet which made me more tense.

"Ochako, I'm sorry. It was stupid of me to think you'd like this. I just thought it was cute, It was green and pink.. and I-." I ramble.

"N-no! It's perfect!" She exclaims. Her face light pink and she puts the bow in her hair.

"How does it look?" She asks. "Beautiful." I grin giving her a kiss on the cheek. She smiles back.

"Okay everyone, Let's go eat!" Iida says rushing everyone to the dinning room.

Me and Ochako were still sitting and most of the students were already there. We quickly get up and rush to enter the room.

"Stop!" Mina says placing a hand in front of us. We were standing at the door frame of the kitchen. She smirks and points up.

I look over to Ochako first who was already looking up. Her face looked flushed. I look up and a small mistletoe hung from the door frame.

I looked at everyone sitting and everyone had their phones out, ready to take photos and record.

I blush brightly and look at Ochako. Mina was quietly giggling and was watching us.

"Are you okay with this..?" I ask smiling. "Of course, But we've never kissed in front of them." She whispers pointing to everyone. I shrug. They'd find out eventually anyways.

I could see everyone giggling and Eri looked confused. All the girls were giddy and some of the boys gave thumbs ups to me.

I pulled Ochako closer and gave her a small kiss. I didn't want to push it. So it was quick and small. I could see she was upset that it was short.

I bent of a little, Right next to her ear. "Don't worry, I'll give you more kisses. I promise." I whisper to her. She smiles. "That tickles." She giggles and touches her ear. I chuckle and blow on her ear, Which makes her smile more.

"Okay, Lovebirds. Time for food." Mina says clapping her hands. I blush when I realize that everyone was watching us.

"Oh, Sorry. You're right." I say taking Ochako's hand and leading her to our seats.

"Now that everyone is here, We can pray and start to eat." Iida says nodding to all of us.

Everyone holds hands and we give a quick prayer and then we began eating.

The whole table was full of laughter and bonding. Even Mr. Aizawa looked like he was having fun. Eri loved the food.

Everyone seemed so happy. It was lively and refreshing. I couldn't help but smile.

Words: 1040
Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed! I'll be completing the next chapter soon!

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