Chapter 15

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I had picked her up and I just got to her room. She seems so peaceful asleep in my arms. I open her door and lay her on her bed and tuck her in. Something like this happened on the night I slept with her.. I look over at her laying on her back, she seemed at peace. I smiled at how cute she looked and kissed her forehead. I walk out of her room and walked to mine. I have to train with all might in the morning. I walk into my bathroom and turn on the water. I take off my shirt but then hear a knock on my door. I look at the clock and it says 8:45 not late but I need sleep.
(Okay you totally know who's at the door XD. But here comes cringe~)
I quickly turn off the water and open the bathroom door. I crack open door and see Ochako standing at my door. I notice I have no shirt on and blush as I see her tired face. She blinks a little as she sees me. I open the door all the way. She lets out a big yawn and stretches her arms out, she looks really cute as she holds her pillow in her arms and she changed in a T-shirt and shorts. Her hair is crazy and all over the place, but she still looks cute. I blush as she walks in my dorm. "O-Ochako, what are you doing?" I ask her. I close the door behind her and she sits in my bed. "Sorry for coming in, Deku. I can't sleep alone." She says laying in my bed. I sigh and tuck her into my bed. "You could have warned me, I was about to take a shower." I say blushing. "Sorry, Deku. You can walk into my dorm when I'm about to take a shower next time." She says rolling over on her side. She of course, did not notice what she said. My whole face becomes red at the thought. "Don't say that, Uraraka!" I say blushing. "Mhm." She says still not knowing. I stand there for a second waiting for her to catch up.. "omg, Deku! I'm so sorry I didn't mean to say that. But if you want to walk in my dorm when I'm taking a shower I wouldn't mind- I mean- I'm sorry! I'm just so tired and I said something really embarrassing! I feel ashamed I should just go-." She shouts really fasts and starts to get up. I hold her still and keep her on the bed. "Ochako, it's fine. I know you were just tired. It's fine." I say calmly. She looks up at me slowly and looks into my eyes. Her face turns red real fast as she lays back down. I smile at her cute reaction and turn back to the bathroom.
~After a quick shower~
I sigh as I feel the fresh air in my room. I only had some shorts on and no shirt. I shrugged and took a towel to dry my hair. I looked over to Ochako and she had her eyes closed so I guessed she was alseep.

Ochako POV
Alright I'm not alseep. How can I? I Just broke into my boyfriend's dorm and I was too tired to notice I did it. At least I didn't go to mineta's room on accident. I shiver at the idea. I peek over to Deku who was drying his hair at his dresser in front of me. He had no shirt on and looked so.. hot. Why am I thinking like that?! I'm such a pervert. He turns around, I quickly close my eyes and my heart beats.
Deku POV
I swear I saw her eyes open. Oh well, I shrug and walk to the side of the bed. I lay next to her and put my phone on the charger. I cover up and kiss her head and roll over. It feels so normal now just to kiss her forehead like that. I've never actually kissed her. Just thinking of our lips pressed together, Sharing a warm loving kiss. I blush hard just thinking of it. It'd be my first kiss.. and with her. I clench the blanket and fall alseep.
(Okay quick warning, There will be a bit of violent here in the story, Like blood and stuff. You've been warned!)
(This is a dream btw)
I'm walking to UA from a random store I was in. Ochako was walking with me. "Deku, what would you like for dinner?" She asks me. "I think I want what we had yesterday." I respond smiling. She looks surprised as we are walking past UA. "We've had that the past 3 days!" She says giggling. I hold her hand and we don't talk for a bit. I look back at her to see blood on her cheek. "Ochako, you alright?" I ask her. She continues to walk without saying anything back. She quickly falls onto the ground with blood all on her body. She has a gun shot wound on her leg. I stare in disbelief as I watch her bleed out. "Ochako?" I shout as I shake her. She doesn't respond. I know she is dead from that. I start shouting out and crying. I don't hear or see anything else. "URARAKA! Come back to me!" I yell to her. I continue to shake her body and look into her dead cold eyes.
I wake up in cold sweat and shout. Ochako jerks up from me screaming. I can only gasp from the shock. She looks over at me. "Deku, are you alright? What happened? She's asks me turning me to face her. "Deku?" She asks. I look down at the blanket, I start crying but try to hold it back. "Deku.." she says. She hugs me and pats my head. Her messy hair tickles my neck as she hugs me. I hug her back and let all my tears fall onto her shoulder. "I-I.. had a nightmare about y-you.." I say trying not to stammer. "What happened in the dream?" She asks me still hugging me. "We were walking from a store and you got shot and I held you in my arms.." I say as fast as I could. I could hear my whimper in my voice. She lets go of me and looks me in the eyes. "Deku, I'm so sorry!" She says. She wipes a tear off my face. I place my hand on hers on my face, she gives me a small smile. "I'm not going anywhere, Deku. I'm right here." She says calming me down. "We can cuddle tonight to make you feel better." She says blushing. I blush a little and nod, she lays me down and gets up to get a rag. She wipes my forehead and chest from the sweat. She puts the rag away and lays next to me. She snuggles up to me slowly and makes me comfortable. I quickly fall asleep next to her.

(I'm the picture he has a shirt on but he doesn't so-)

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

(I'm the picture he has a shirt on but he doesn't so-)

You are mine | Deku x Ochako | MHATempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang