Chapter 45 FINALE PT 1

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Mostly everyone had headed to bed and it was only Iida, Me, and Ochako. We were cleaning up the kitchen. It was only 9 pm.

Ochako silently yawned to herself as she swept the floor. I wiped down the table and Iida cleaned the dishes.

"Okay, I'm done wiping the table." I say to them. Ochako nods and continues sweeping. "Good, I'm almost done too." Iida says smiling.

"You can go, Iida. I'll finish for you." I tell him. "That's kind of you, Midoryia. But I'm fine, I can finish." He states.

I shrug and walk over to Ochako. She looked like she was half asleep. She was sweeping the same place.

I chuckle to myself and take her shoulder. She stops sweeping and looks up.

"Ochako, It's time for bed. You're done sweeping." I tell her. "Oh okay." She mumbles rubbing her eyes. Which smears her makeup a little.

I put the broom up and take Ochako's hand. "Good night, Iida." I say waving to him. "Good night." He tells us both, Waving.

I lead Ochako back to my room and I open the door.

"I'm so done with this high heels." She mumbles sitting on my bed and taking off her heels.

"Here let me help." I say sitting next to her and I take her heels off.

"Thank you, Izuku." She yawns. "No Problem." I say grinning. I carefully take off her necklace and sit it down on my desk. I get a wipe and clean her face off.

"Izuku, I'm not a baby." She says placing a hand over the wipe. "I know, I'm just trying to help." I tell her.

Her eyes were slightly open And she blinked a few times without a answer so I continued to wipe off her makeup.

I dig in my dresser for a shirt and shorts for her. I found shorts for her but, I couldn't find a shirt. I quickly find one of mine.

"Here, Go change." I tell her, Handing her the clothes. "But, This is your shirt." She says. "I know, It'll be fine." I tell her. She nods and walks into my bathroom.

I sigh and try to find clothes for myself.


I brush through my hair and straighten my Black t-shirt and black pants.

Ochako was taking her time in the bathroom and I began to worry that she fell asleep while changing.

I walk over to the door and knock slightly.

"Ochako? Are you okay? Do you need help?" I ask. "I'm fine. I just think your shirt is a bit to big." She tells me. "It's fine. I wanna see." I tell her.

I hear a few footsteps and then the door opens. The shirt definitely wasn't a perfect fit, It was big and hung loosely around her shoulders.

One side showed her shoulders. The shirt was long so you could barely tell she was even wearing shorts. I felt myself begin to blush and I turned quickly so I wouldn't stare.

"Told you." She sighs. She walks over to my bed and covers up in my blanket.

I chuckle and join her in the bed. She smiles at me and snuggles up to me.

"I thought you wanted kisses?" I ask her. "I do, But I'm so tired.." She pouts. "Okay, Then go to sleep." I say.

"Wait just a few kisses." She blushes holding my shoulders. I laugh and hold her cheeks.

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