Chapter 39

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"A date?" I question as she nods her head quickly.
"I wanna go on another date before Christmas." She added. "Oh okay. Let me think." I say tilting my head. "Since, In about 3 days is Christmas, We can go today and Also find presents for Christmas." I mumble out loud. "Izuku, You're mumbling again." She giggles.
"Ah, Sorry." I apologize. "It's okay. But you're right, Let's go today." She agrees. "I need to get all the girls presents."

"Alright, We should head to breakfast now though." I say getting out of my messed up bed again. "Alright.. I'm hungry anyways." She admits sadly. She jumps right off the bed and she reaches out and takes my hand. We look into the hallway to make sure no one will see us leaving my room. I nod and we both leave.


I sit down at a table with Ochako, Iida, Tsu, Mina, And Jirou. Of course, Right as I sat down, For some reason the table got really quiet. "Well, I hope you all have a good day." Iida says smiling and standing up, Holding his empty tray. "Leaving already?" I ask him. "Yeah, I'm going to head to town early in hopes of finding presents." He explains. "Oh okay." Ochako says waving.
"Oh, Me and Jirou have to go too." Mina claimed also picking up her almost empty tray. "Hagakure, Me, Momo, And Jirou planned to go shopping for gifts together."
"Oh yeah, That's right." Jirou affirmed. The three of them left and it was just Me, Ochako, And Tsu left.

It was silent for a moment as we all just ate our breakfast. "How's it been, Tsu?" Ochako asks. "Oh, I've been fine. Just hanging out." She answered. "We've been fine. Just been hanging out as well." Ochako adds in. The table becomes Uncomfortably silent again. The atmosphere was so awkward and Strange. "Do you plan on shopping today?" I ask her. "Yeah, My parents agreed to meet me in town to see my younger siblings and go shopping." She mentions. "Oh, That's great." I state finishing the last of my food. I glance to see Ochako eating the last of her's as well.
I stand up and take my tray with me to put up. I feel a hand touch my shoulder and a tray being put down next to mine. "Let's go." Ochako says grinning. I nod and we both walk out of the cafeteria and into the halls.

A few minutes later in town-

We walk down the sidewalk, Shoulder to shoulder with strangers also trying to Christmas shop. People had many bags in their hands and some didn't.
"Let's go eat first." I say pointing to a small restaurant by the corner. "Okay."
We open the door and we're greeted by a shorter women with her hair neatly in a bun. "Welcome!" She exclaims waving a hand in the air. In her other hand, Was two menus. "Follow me." She says walking off fast. "Oh, Okay." Ochako mumbles and she quickly takes my hand. We follow the lady to a booth, She lays our menus down and takes out a notepad. "What would you like to drink?" She asks clicking her pen. Me and Ochako quickly sit and take a moment to think. "Oh, Do you have Mugicha?" Ochako asks. "Of course." The waitress says writing down the drink. "I'll just have water."

"Okay, I'll be back to take your order." She announces and quickly leaves. "She goes too fast.." Ochako whispers to me. "Agree."

We both giggle under our breathes as the waitress walks past again. We both sigh as we come to a stop in our laughter. My hand finds its way to hers, Locking our fingers together.

"Are you having a good time?" I ask, Looking at the menu. "Yeah, I am. I bet we'll have more fun finding presents." She exclaims. I chuckle and I feel her hand slightly squeeze mine. I look up from y menu to see her frowning and looking down at our hands. She lightly brushed the back of my hand with her thumb. "What's the matter?" I ask putting the menu back down.

She sighs and looks up at me. "I-."

She quickly gets cut off by the waitress bringing our drinks and sitting them down on the table. She quickly flips her notepad back out and silently waits for us to order.

After the date. . . ( Sorry :( )

We both quietly walk back down the sidewalk, Hand in hand. I see the mall ahead of us, I look over to Ochako who seems to still be upset. "So, Why are you so sad?" I ask.

"I Just don't know, Every since You mentioned Winter Break I've been worried." She Admitted. "Aw, Ochako. It's okay, You don't have to worry about that." I tell her. "But, my parents aren't the easiest to talk with." "I'll talk to them then."

She stops walking and I could see the little wrinkle between her eyebrows. "Izuku, My parents are very hard to convince. They've been talking about me coming home for awhile." She tries to argue. I let go of her hand and stand in front of her. "Well, When you say stuff like that, I makes it sound like you don't want to stay with me!" I shout at her.

Ochako stands wide-eyed. I take a deep breathe and look around to see some people were staring. I sigh and look back at her. "Izuku.. You know that's not true." She mutters. "Then why? Why are arguing with me about this?" I ask. "I'm just scared my parents will get mad." She says wiping a tear from her eye. My heart breaks a little when she looks so sad like that, I look away. "I already told you I would ask them for you." I state.

"Well, I don't need you to treat me like a little kid." she says stepping closer. Her cheeks turned a bright red with embarrassment from the people staring. "It's hard not to when you act like one!" I yell at her. Another tear falls from her eye and she doesn't wipe it away. I could feel my heart rip apart the more tears fell from her cheeks.

"Look, Maybe we should just shop alone." I say turning my back to her. "W-wait." she sobs. She grabs the back of my shirt and clings onto it, Like I was going to leave forever. "Please, Don't be mad."

I stand silently, Letting her cling onto my shirt. It's hard to not just turn around and hug her as tight as I can. And to tell her it's Okay. "I'm sorry, I made you mad. I'm sorry. Please." She begged more. "You know, Its hard to leave when you act like this." I whisper, I feel my nerves tense up.

She lets go of my shirt and wipes the tears from her eyes. "Don't make a scene right now." I mutter. I turn back to look at her, she sniffed.

"Let's just meet back here in 2 hours. I need time to think." I tell her. "Okay.." She stutters. Her voice seemed hoarse, I need to apologize for yelling later.
12:05 words
Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry for the angst at the end. Couples fight so-
Okay bye!

You are mine | Deku x Ochako | MHADove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora