Chapter 33

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It has been a few days since Izuku was kidnapped. He stayed in the hospital those days and We all went back to school. He was told he'd come back on Saturday. It's Friday.
4:30 pm
We all were preparing for him to come back to U.A. So we decided to throw a surprise party right when he arrived. Even Mr. Aizawa and All might were helping. I wanted the party to go perfect, Izuku deserves it. We had made him Katsudon and soba. There was also a cake that looked perfect. We had all the food made already since He was supposed to come early like 8 or something. "Okay, Everyone!" I say standing on a chair and everyone gathers around to listen. "Thank you so much for helping do this party for Izuku." "Anything for Deku." Tsu says. Everyone nods as an answer. "I'm sure he'll love everything we have here. So let's make sure tomorrow we'll go all out to make him feel better!" I say. Then we all shout, "Plus Ultra!" They all start to chat about the party and I help Bakugo put the food in the fridge for tomorrow.
Everyone has already went to the rooms. I stayed up sweeping the floor in the lounge room, It has to be perfect for him.
I clean the counter, the coffee table, the window, and The fridge. I wipe some sweat off of my forehead. "What are you doing?" I turn around fast to see Todoroki standing by the corner. "Oh, um.. Just cleaning for tomorrow." I say nervously. "Need some help?" He asks. "Oh, Sure." I say giving him the mop. I continue to clean the stove in the kitchen. "What are you doing up cleaning so late?" He asks not stopping from mopping. "Well, I don't know.. I just can't sleep." I say rubbing my eyes. "I can say the same. It's been hard to sleep." He nods. "Oh, right. You and Izuku are really close." I say smiling. "Yeah.." He answers. We silent as we continue cleaning. After about an hour of light conversation we had cleaned everything. I yawn and stretch my arms. "What do you plan on doing now?" He asks. I turn to him, We were standing next to each other. "I guess I'll try to sleep." I say sighing. "You worry me, Uraraka." He admits. "Huh?" I ask cluelessly. Todoroki hasn't talked to me much.. "I can't help but feel bad for you. I've experienced a lot lately." He explains. "Oh, I'm okay, Really." I reassure him, He smiles and nods. "Okay, So I'll see you in the morning?" I ask. "Yeah." He says waving as I leave him in the lounge room. I walk sleeplessly to Deku's room, I slept in his room every night he was gone. I can't help but think of him every moment, to the point I can't nearly sleep. It's sad I can't even stop thinking of him for a second, I lay in his bed and cuddle next to his pillow. I cover up with his blanket and sink into his bed. I turn to face the wall, My eyes tear up and I begin crying.
5:30 am
I yawn and stretch in Deku's bed. I rub my eyes and roll out of bed. When I look at my phone I almost instantly begin smiling. Izuku is coming back today! I rush to the clothes I had in his room and quickly change. I crush my hair and fix his bed quickly. I rush out of the room and see a few of my classmates getting the food out, Heating it back up, and placing it on the table. I couldn't help but smile as Yaoyorozu waves to me. I wave back and go help Jirou bring the food out. We had a lot of food cooked since I invited the big three to join us and Eri. Even Katsuma and his sister said they'd come. The pussy cats said they'd bring Kota as well. Of course, Mr. Aizawa agreed to come and All might. Inko was bringing Izuku so she would join. Midnight wanted to join as well, Of course, Everyone from Our class was here. We're even going to get Bakugo to stay out for the party. Soon, It was time for everyone to start coming at 7:30. My nerves were so jumpy as I wait for people to come. "It's going to be okay." Todoroki says placing a hand on my shoulder. I look over to him and give him a small smile. "Wow, didn't know you two were close." Kirishima says walking up. "We're friends." I say giving a glance to him. "Yeah, Yeah, I know. You're with Midoryia." He says waving it off. I blush and look away, Then I notice Someone entering the room. It was Eri. I rush over to her and left her off the ground. "Woah!" She whispers. I hug her tight, "Thank you so much for coming, I know Deku will be so happy!" I say to her and letting her back down. She looks up to me, "Was Deku hurt bad..?" She asks. I hesitate to answer, "Don't worry." I tell her and pat her head. "He'll be fine." She looks up and smiles. I look up and notice Mr. Aizawa standing behind her. "She was excited when I told her." He says, She nods in agreement. Right after, Kota and The pussy cats arrived. "Hey, Kota. Thank you for coming." I say patting his head. He shoves my hand. "Yeah, Whatever." He says walking off. "Kota, Don't be rude!" Shino said to him. "I'm sorry, Uraraka. He's just like that, He was actually really upset when I told him Midoryia was in the hospital again." She explains. "Oh." I say. "But he got excited when I told him we were invited to this party." She says trying to brighten the mood. "Anyway, How is Midoryia doing?" Ryuko asks. "Oh, his mother told me he's been doing better with talking." I say. "But, the doctors only his mother could visit the last few days." I explain. "Oh I see." Shino says. "Come on in! We're just waiting for a few more people." I say standing to the side and letting them in. "Uraraka!" I hear a shout from the door. "Nejire!" I shout back and hug her. "Long time no see!" She says embracing me. "Yeah, I know. I've missed you." I say as she lets go. "We really should hang out more!" She says giving me a bright smile. "Hey, Is Midoryia here yet?" She asks. "No, He's coming at 8." I say. "Oh, I'm sorry about that." She adds. "It's fine. He's fine now." I say. "I hope so. Mirio seemed really down when I told him Midoryia was in the hospital. I think he started to think about when Sir Nighteye.." She whispers. I gasp a little and look at Mirio and amajiki. I nod and step back to let them in. "Help yourself to some drinks and food!" I say happily to them. They nod and continue walking, I sigh and wait for others to show up. All might entered the room. "Hey, All might." I say to him. "Hello, Uraraka." He says waving. "Thanks for coming." I say. "Anything for Young Midoryia." He says smiling. I nod and let him walk off to the others. Soon after Midnight walks in and I greet one. I turn back to the door to see Katsuma and Mahoro with their dad. "Welcome." I say shaking their dad's hand and waving to them. Their dad walks off to the others, "Is Mr. Deku here?" Katsuma asks me. "Oh, not yet. But he'll be here soon.." I say smiling to him. He seemed very upset that he wasn't here yet. His sister looks to him, She puts her arm around his neck. "Let's go say Hi to Bakugo." She says pointing to him standing in a corner alone. He nods and gives her a small smile. They walk off. "Two Last people." I whisper to myself. "Nervous?" Tsu says beside me. "A little." I say rubbing the back of my neck. "You shouldn't be. I'm sure he'll love everything." She says pointing to everyone and the food. "Yeah.." I say frowning. She walks off and I continue to wait by the door.
8:05 pm
I can't wait any longer to see him. I miss him so much! "Uraraka, Coem eat. He'll be here soon." Iida shouts to me from the table, Making everyone look over to me. I blush and wave to them, "N-no, thanks. I can wait a bit longer." I say. They all nod or shrug and continue getting food.
8:10 pm
Time is going by so slowly. I just want him to be here already. So I can kiss him.. Wait, I've never kissed him before. I wonder what it would be like. It doesn't matter.. Kiss or not. I still want to see him. I don't want to wait.. But I must.
8:20 pm
I slowly sink to the ground by the door and move my knees to my chest. Waiting here is like going to hell and back. I don't want this. I just want to see him again. I feel like I've been waiting here for years. But, I don't mind waiting if it's for him. So I'll stay like this. For him.
8:30 pm
I lay on the floor and look over to everyone w go was patient making small talk at the table. Everyone was eating and enjoy their time. Maybe I should give up and enjoy myself. That's what Izuku would want me to do. I slowly get up and walk over to the table and sit next to Mina. "Finally, You're over here." She says laughing. I give her a weak smile and nod. She stops laughing and looks down at her food. She looks up to Todoroki and Tilts her head at me. He looks away from her to me. "I'm sure he'll be here soon. I just hope nothing happened.." He says trying to reassure me. "Oh my god, I didn't think anything would happen to him. What if something did happen?" I say getting up. Mina face slams herself and slowly shakes her head. "Girl, Calm down. He's alright. I'm sure there was just a hold up and they're on their way right now." She says calmly and sits me back down. "Yes, Just relax and eat something." Todoroki says giving me a bowl of Soba. "Yeah, You're right. I'm sure nothing happened." I say trying to even my breathes. I nod repeatingly trying to calm down.

I suddenly hear footsteps down the hall.
Words: 1,805
To be continued... 😈

You are mine | Deku x Ochako | MHAOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora