Chapter 35

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Izuku Midoryia's POV:
I open my eyes and I look around to see trees flowing in the wind. I notice I'm sitting on a park bench next to Ochako. This isn't by bed..
I sighs and lays her head on my shoulder. I notice her looking at the playground in front of us watching the kids play. "Well, I think it's about time to go home." She says sadly. "Why?" I ask her. She looks up to me, "Well, I have to go home and Cook." She says confused but smiling. "Well, if you don't want to leave, I'll cook." I say laughing. "No it's fine, I'm sure you're tired." She says laying her head back down. We stay silent for a moment letting the breeze go through our hair. I sigh and let my surroundings sink in. It's perfect. "This is perfect.." I whisper. "What are you talking about?" She laughs. I put my arm around her and hold her. "This is just perfect." I say smiling. I close my eyes.
"Is it perfect?" I hear another voice asks and I quickly hear a gun shot and I open my eyes fast. I hear Ochako scream and look over to see her holding her stomach. I see a man run off and I hold Ochako. "H-hold on." I say. She doesn't say anything. I pick her up and try to carry her to the hospital. I look around and I notice we were still in the park. I forgot where it is. I lay her on the ground. "O-ochako." I say sobbing. I hold her hand, "Hang on." I say to her. She coughs blood. And he hand slips out of mine. She lays silently on the ground. The image replays in my head.
I wake up in a cold sweat. I hyperventilate and throw the blanket off me. Ochako shoots up from the bed to comfort me. "Izuku?!" She says. I cough and continue trying to breathe. "Slow down. Take even breathes!" She tells me. I calm down a bit and catch my breath. "Ochako.." I say holding her face. "It's okay, Izuku. I'm here." She says embracing me. "I.. I had another dream about you.." I say sobbing into her shoulder. "I could tell." She says patting my back. "It's okay. I'm right here next to you." She says holding me a little tighter. We suddenly hear a small knock on the door. "Midoryia? I um.. I heard Crying." Kirishima says outside. "I came to check on you." He says. I let go of Ochako. "Hide under my bed." I whisper to her. She nods and slides quickly under it. I rush to wipe the tears off of my face and open the door. "Hey, Man. Are you okay?" He asks looking into my room. "Y-yeah. I'm fine." I say. "Are you sure?" He asks concerned. "I'm fine. I just bed a bad dream." I say rubbing the back of my neck. "Well, if you're so sure." He says unimpressed. "I'll go then. Goodnight, Midoryia." He says. "Goodnight." I say back and close the door. I sigh and walk over to my bed. "Ochako, you can come out now." I say to her and she slips back out. I laugh as she fixes her hair. "Im glad he came to check on you." She says smiling. "Yeah, he's a good friend." I say back. She walks in closer and I blush. She puts her arms around my neck and she gets closer for another kiss. I put my hands around her waist and I accidentally push her to the bed. She pulls closer and we lock lips.
"Deku, I-." I hear Bakugo say. We stop and look back to him standing the doorway. I let go of Ochako and she sits on the bed. "What the hell." He says angrily and still standing at the door. He blushes a little and continues to stare. "I-it's bro what it looks like!" I shout to him. "It looks like you two were about to-." He starts. "N-no, Bakugo!" She says shaking her head violently. "First of all, Why wouldn't you lock you're door." He says. "Why wouldn't you knock?" I ask him. "Well, I didn't think you were in the middle of.." he cuts himself off. "Okay look.. Shitty hair told me you had a nightmare so I came over to check. He didn't say round face was here." He says turning. "Well, Um. Thank you for checking on me." I say awkwardly. "Y-yeah, We'll take about this tomorrow." He says leaving and closing the door. "Ugh.." I say face palming. "And lock your door!" She shouts from the other side. I roll my eyes and walk to the door to lock it. "I-I'm sorry, Izuku. I shouldn't have made you kiss me.." She says blushing. "It's fine. He would have seen you in here anyways. Kissing me just made it.. Complicated." I say. "So I made it worse.." she says pouting. "No, it's fine." I say walking back up to her. I think of a way to break the silence. "Where were we..?" I ask and she looks up. "I was enjoying that kiss.." I say. "Woah, when did you get so confident?" She asks blushes. "Somewhere between Meeting you and Falling in Love with you." I say putting my arms around her. "That was cheesy.." She says giggling. "Ah, Sorry." I say blushing. "It's fine. It was cute though." She whispers putting her arms around my neck. She yawns and her breath lands on my ear. "Tired?" I ask. "A little." She admits. "Let's go back to bed then." I say carrying her back into the bed. I cuddle next to her and make sure she had enough blanket on her. I move some hair out of her face. "Goodnight again, Izuku." She says. "Goodnight, Ochako." I say.
I wake up again and look to see Ochako sleeping peacefully. I giggle and get up to look out of my window. I see a small snowflake fall from the sky. "Oh, Wow.." I whisper to myself. "Hmm..?" Ochako mumbles. I look to see her propping her self up with one arm. "It's snowing." I say pointing outside. She gasps and rushes out of bed to look outside. She presses her face up against the window. "It is!" She smiles. I pat her head and watch more snowflakes fall. "Do you think Mr. Aizawa would let us have a snow day?" She asks. "I'm not sure." I tell her. I walk over to my dresser and pick out clothes to wear. I rush to my bathroom to change.
After changing me and Ochako walk out of my dorm room to see some of our classmates standing around in the lounge. Some were already outside in the snow. Todoroki sat on the couch watching the weather report on the Tv. "The roads are slick today! It's surprising how it start snowing so fast." The reported stated and he turned the volume up a little when Bakugo started screaming. "Kirishima, Why did you dump all this snow on me?!" He shouted. "Sorry, Bro. Denki dared me!" He says pointing to him. Bakugo runs at him and starts chasing. I try to hold my laughter in, Watching them run around. Ochako stands next to me trying to warm up. I quickly realize that they had the front door of the dorms wide open and the cold air rushed in. Tsu was curled into a ball on the couch. "Oh no, Iida! Close the door! Tsu went into hibernation!" Yaoyazou yells to him and she picks her up by one arm to drag her back to her room. I rush over and take Tsu's other arm to support her. Iida Quickly runs and Closes the front door. "Thanks, Midoryia." Yaoyazou says. I nod to her and we slowly walk back to the dorms to Tsu's room. Ochako followed close behind us. We reached her room and Ochako opened the door. We place her into her bed and Yaoyazou pushes the blanket over her. She tucks her in with as much blanket as she could and walks out. I walk back out to Ochako, She smiles and closes the door. "What?" I ask turning her. Her smile was contagious because I slowly began smiling too. She giggles and puts her arms around my neck. I blush but quickly find my arms around her waist. "That was sweet." She whispers putting her head on my shoulder. I softly laugh and we continue standing in the hallway in the same position.

"Ahem, Am I interrupting something?"
I quickly turn to see Iida with his arms crossed. Ochako let's go
( Very disappointing 🥲)
And turns to Iida, Her whole face was red. "Oh, Iida. Can we help you?" She asks nervously, Swiping a piece of her hair behind her ear. "I was just coming over to tell you Mr. Aizawa was indeed called for a snow day." He says standing up straight putting his arms behind his back. "Oh, Okay. Thanks." I say giving him a thumbs up. He nods and pushes his glasses back up to his eyes. "And, Also refrain from the.. Romantics in the middle of the hallway." He says turning back around. "Sorry." We both say bowing to apologize. "Right." He says walking off. We both look back up and to each other. We both burst out laughing. She holds her hand over her mouth and I hold onto my stomach. She sighs and wipes a tear from her eye. "That was so funny!" I say wheezing still. She giggles and places a kiss on my cheek. I completely stop laughing and my face goes red. "I'm going to go to my room to find something to wear out in the snow. Meet you in 10?" She asks pointing out the window. "Yeah." I say touching my face where she kissed me, Smiling. She nods and walks off to her room.
Words: 1676
Hope you enjoyed this long awaited chapter :)
Get ready for chapter 36!

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