Chapter 47 FINALE PT 3

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A/N: This is actually the last chapter. :( I know sorry. The ending is kinda sad as well. Just enjoy this long last chapter :)


I stretch my arms and feel around the bed for Ochako, Who wasn't there. I squint my eyes and look around my room. The bright morning sun was shining through the curtains.

I yawn and sit up in my bed, I check the time and it read 7:34. I grin and tug the blanket off me. I exit my room and see my mom and Ochako sitting on the couch chatting casually.

"Good morning, Sleeping beauty!" Mom says waving as she sips her coffee. "Good morning." I yawn, Smiling as I leaned behind the couch. "Merry Christmas." Ochako tells me as she tips my head down to kiss my cheek.

"Merry Christmas." I mumble back, Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. "We all should probably get ready for your parents, Ochako." Mom says looking at the clock. "You're absolutely right. I told them I'd meet them at the train station." Ochako says looking uneasy.

"It's fine. We'll make it in time." I reassure  her while I hold her shoulders. "Okay.." She sighs. She gets up and rushes to my room to change into different clothes. I chuckle as she closes the door and my mom giggles along with me.

"I wish I should get the house ready too." Mom says getting up. "Need any help?" I ask her. "No, Just focus on getting her parents and bringing them home safely." She tells me, Pinching my cheek. "I will." I say.

She walks into the kitchen and digs through the cabinets. I walk to my room and knock on the door. "Ochako? Are you done dressing?" I ask. "Yeah! Come in." She tells me and I open the door.

She brushes through her hair fast and tries to get tangles out. She has a sweater one and a shirt under it. She also has leggings on and fuzzy boots.

"Aren't you going to be cold in leggings?" I ask her closing the door behind me. "No, I'm good." She says as I walk up to her. She continues trying to untangle her hair but I take the brush. "Calm down." I tell her and I brush her hair for her.

"Sorry, I'm just so nervous about my parents coming." She explains messing with her sweater. "Why are you so scared? They liked me." I ask her as I put the brush down. "I don't know. I just have a bad feeling.." She mutters.

"Hey, It's Christmas. Bad feelings don't exist today." I tell her as I walk in front of her and grab her waist. "You're right. Today is supposed to be fun." She says looking up at me. "And I'll make sure it is.." I tell her. I kiss her softly and smile as I look back at her. She chuckles and Buries her face in my chest.

I laugh and kiss her forehead. "Okay, They Should be waiting at the train station. They also said they had a surprise." Ochako adds. "A surprise?" I ask.  "Yeah, I didn't get any details, So It could be anything." She says. I shrug and we continue walking down the sidewalk.

We get closer to the train station and I could see many people walking from it. It seems people are coming in to spend time with their families as well. I see her mom and Dad sitting on a bench as the train leaves. I also see a girl sitting next to them.

"You gotta be kidding me.." Ochako mutters. She stops and glares at her parents. "What is it?" I ask. "They brought my sister.." She sighs. "Oh, I'm sure It can't be that bad." I awkwardly laugh.

We walk closer and I recognize the girl. It was Aimi.

"A-Aimi? You're Ochako's Sister?" I ask looking at the three of them. Her parents seemed confused and turned to Aimi. "Midoriya? You're my sister's Boyfriend?" She asks seeming very confused.

"Wait. How do know my sister?" Ochako asks looking up at me. "After that little accident at the mall, I dumped into Aimi and we became friends." I explain. "She did tell me she had a sister that went to U.A but she didn't say it was you."

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