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November is passing by quicker than I would like. Thanksgiving is this weekend, but I'll be playing basketball because we're scheduled to play the University of Washington the day of...in Washington. So while all of the students on campus are going home, I'm going to a completely different State to play a game.

"It can't be as bad as you're making it out to be." Derek exclaimed, standing beside me as I washed my hair in the sink. "When's the last time you saw your brothers anyway?"

"When I committed to USC over the other schools." I say. "And that was in March."

"I really don't like math, but that was 8 months ago." He replied.

"Yup. It's been that long." I exclaim.

"Yikes." He said.

I shrug. "They're playing ball with the Bucks, they're not paying me any mind right now."

"Are they coming to family weekend?" He asked.

"Honestly, I'm not sure." I say, rubbing the conditioner through my hair thoroughly. "They might have a game that day. So it might just be my mom and I."

He nods, watching me brush through my curls with the detangling brush. After I do that, I get ready to wash his hair.

"My family is excited to meet you." He exclaimed as I held his head under the faucet. "I like to think they're tired of me talking about you all the time and just want to meet you for themselves."

I giggle. "That's sweet."

He nods again. I pour some shampoo onto my hand, rubbing them together before running my hands through his hair.

"Three weeks into our relationship and we're already meeting families." I grin. "That's pretty big."

"I didn't know if you wanted to wait a while longer, but I figured because they're going to be on campus, might as well." He shrugged.

"It's fine with me." I chuckle. "I just hope they like me."

"They're going to like you a lot." He said.

"Why do you say that?" I ask.

"Because I like you a lot." He exclaimed. "And if you make me happy, they wouldn't have too much of a choice."

I rinse the shampoo out of his hair. "They don't necessarily have to like me because you do. It's about the principle Derek."

"But I chose you. Shouldn't they be happy?" He asked.

I turn his head toward me. "They're going to feel how they feel regardless."

He rolls his eyes. "I guess."

I give a small smile and kiss his cheek. He grins as I rub some more shampoo through his hair.


Derek and I were currently sitting on the couch, watching the Bucks vs. Rockets game. Giannis Antetokounmpo was doing the damn thing, but Russell Westbrook was also showing his ass.

"I love my brothers, but their team is getting their ass beat right now." I wince, watching James Harden shoot a deep three. "Like...they're the number one team in the Eastern Conference...and they're losing to the number 4 team in the Western Conference."

Derek chuckled at my criticism. I was sitting on the couch with him on the floor between my legs, parting his hair into squares so I can braid them into nice box braids. He's going to get the sides cut again tomorrow.

"Your hair is so nice, I'm really jealous." I exclaim.

"Yours is much better than mine." He looks up at me. "Look at those curls!"

I giggle, shying away from him a bit. I had the leave in conditioner in, so my hair was in flat curls instead of its usual mess of fluffy curls. Kyra and Alissa were out somewhere right now, that's why I was hanging with Derek.

We were having a spa day with face masks and hair treatment. We had finished the face mask not too long ago, followed by washing out the deep conditioner. Now we're on the final step for him, being that I already finished.

At about 10PM, I'm finally done with his hair. I honestly think the hairstyle looks good on him.

"This frightens me." I say, standing behind him as he looks at himself in my bathroom mirror.

"Why?" He asks, playing with the two braids that hang on his forehead.

"You look really good, and now all the girls will be ogling you." I pout.

"If it's not you, I don't care." He shrugs.

I wrap my left arm around his right and lace our fingers together, recording us on my snap. I lie my head on his bicep, zooming in on his handsome face. He winks at the camera in the very end of the video.

I giggle as I save it, then I add a caption and post it.

"You better stop calling me pretty." He said, looking at himself some more.

"Why should I?" I laugh. "You're doing exactly what a pretty boy would do."

He shakes his head at me, leaving the bathroom. I grin as I follow him out, turning the light off. We go back to the couch. I lay against the arm of the couch and he lays between my legs, his back to me.

"Thank you for doing my hair Jay." He said. "I love it."

"Aww, you're welcome." I rub my thumb against his jawline.

He rests his chin in the palm of my hand, allowing me to caress his sweet face.


We spend the next two hours making funny videos and laughing our heads off at them. The Bucks lost and we didn't have anything else to do, so we started doing whatever.

"Do that over, I looked bad." He chuckled, shaking his head.

I smile, saving the snap before deleting it. I thought he looked good, but his wish is my command. I give him my phone, wrapping my arms around his waist from behind. He places his left hand on top of mine, giving it a light squeeze.

When he decides that we've taken enough pictures, he gives me back the phone. I lock it and put it into my back pocket. He leads us into my room and I turn off the light behind us on the way out.

He lays down on my bed as I go over to the desk.

"Forgive me for my wrongs I have just begun!" I sing.

Derek laughs at my random outburst. I soon join him on the bed, sitting on his torso. He grunts when I do.

"I'm gonna act like this doesn't hurt." He says.

"I'm sorry." I immediately move off of him.

He stops me from going any further, chuckling. "You good, I was just fucking with you."

I hit him in the chest and he laughs, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me down with him. He kisses my jawline and cheek before just holding me.

I really do find the most comfort when I'm with him.

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