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October 2019


I started school at the University of Southern California in August. It's October. And the Women's Basketball season starts soon. Time has been good to me thus far. Well...somewhat. Let me give you the update.

Lonzo was traded to the New Orleans Pelicans; he was having some difficulty with Denise about the trade because she wanted to stay in Los Angeles, but he wanted her and Zoey to move with him to New Orleans. Just...chaotic.

Gelo is with Jaden Owens, she's a current High School graduate who is now playing Guard for the UCLA Women's Basketball team. We're pretty close and she's really cool. Gelo is playing for the Oklahoma City Thunder G-League.

Melo...he's playing ball for this Australian team. Gelo and Zo don't talk about him much since they witnessed our argument. But Instagram will always do its job; give updates and information about every damn thing.

I left him in the past though because I have better things to worry about. Like my plan to go to the WNBA from here. As soon as I graduate, that's where I plan to go. But if that doesn't work out, I'll definitely be doing something in the Sociological field.

Always need a Plan B.

I actually have found someone worthwhile. We're in the talking stages, but we're slowly moving along. His name is Derek and he's in my sociology class. He's super cute and really cool. But I'm sure if this doesn't go anywhere, we'll make great friends.

Let me tell y'all how everything went down because you're probably wondering. So it started when classes began. He sits behind me in our 11AM Sociology class.

One morning I came into class and saw that my unassigned assigned seat was taken (I really hate when that shit happens -A/N). He noticed my distress and offered the seat beside him because nobody was sitting next to him. I was going to turn it down at first, but seeing as I had nowhere else to sit, I just took the seat. Ladies, if a gorgeous man offers you his seat or the seat beside him, take it.

When I sat down and started to get myself ready for class, he introduced himself. I did the same. It was an awkward silence after that because usually the first week of classes are always awkward. So to avoid that silence, I took out my notebook. As I was flipping through the pages, he complimented my hand writing and asked me if I could write his name down in his notebook for him.

I blushed but wrote it down. He watched me do it too, literally fascinated. It was adorable. Then the teacher came in and we got started with class. He made little smart remarks on the low, which made me grin because I was trying not to laugh out loud.

After class, he caught up to me and asked me if I wanted to catch a bite at one of the café's on campus. Sadly, I had to turn him down because I had practice soon. But we exchanged numbers and have been hanging out since.


Here I was in my shared apartment with my teammates Alissa and Kyra. Alissa is one of the teams Forwards and Kyra is one of the Guards. They were playing Mancala, waiting for me to hurry up. We were having a team dinner tonight.

"Jordan, I don't mean to be a push over but you're taking wayyyy too long to get ready. Callie will be here any minute." Kyra whined, waiting for her turn again.

In case they haven't noticed, flat ironing hair takes a while.

"Yes like, I would really like to not miss my ride. The older girls are already giving us shit for being newbies. Let's not make it any worse shall we?" Alissa added, turning to face me once her turn was up.

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