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Melo's finally 16 💕. Feels like it took forever though 😭.

1 month later...


Flyers for Boys Basketball tryouts were all over the school. Usually boys basketball tryouts are a week before Girls Basketball tryouts. So they won't put the flyers up until next week.

I walked behind Jordan as she led the way to the lunchroom.

"I don't even like school lunch." She exclaims.

I laugh at her bluntness.

"You've been eating it for a month though." I say.

She rolled her eyes.

"Because I have to. If it were my choice, I'd eat tacos everyday." She said.

I shake my head. She is honestly just too much.


"Melo, come on." Jordan whined.

"I don't wanna go." I groan.

"Why not?" She exclaimed.

"Because...I just don't want to." I say, shrugging.

She sucked her teeth. As she tried to walk away, I pulled her back to me. I hugged her tightly as she tried to get away from me.

"No because you won't come." She said.

"I got HW to do." I say.

She growls, walking ahead of me.

"Why you mad?" I ask, chuckling.

"Because you being dumb as hell." She said.

I laugh.

"So I'm dumb cuz I said I ain't wanna go to the mall at this time a day?" I ask.

"Yes." She said, folding her arms.

I laugh harder.

"Aww, your laugh/giggle is so adorable." She gushed.

"Stop." I say, getting serious.

"You sound like a baby." She said.

I shook my head. She pinched my cheeks.

"Noooo." I say.

"Look at the whittle baby." She exclaimed, in baby talk.

I folded my arms, allowing her to continue shaking my head back and forth as she squeezed my cheeks.

"I hate when people do this shit. It makes my cheeks red." I say.

She giggled, dropping her hands. She grabbed my hand and we walked down the street.

"My house or yours?" She asked.

"Yours. I don't feel like hearing my fathers big mouth today." I say, rolling my eyes.

"Leave LaVar alone." She said, giggling.

"You wanna switch? You live with him for one day and I live with your mom for one day." I say.

"I'm good." She said.

"Oh aight, that's what I thought." I say.

She pushed me as I chuckled.

"How about you sleep over today? Get a feel of it." I say.

She thought about it for a few seconds, before nodding.

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