XXV: Kakashi's worries

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The moment Kakashi caught up with Shizuka was the moment Shizuka made a dash for Danzo, only to disappear from sight as soon as Shizuka grabbed on to Danzo. Kakashi's eyes widened witnessing the Jutsu, being strongly reminded of his Sensei. Again he wondered where Shizuka had learned it, but again he needed to let it wait.

In the glimpse Kakashi saw, he saw the burns covering Shizuka's skin and the disgarded shirt on the floor. His gut wrenched at the sight of the injuries. Why did he need to be so reckless? What was driving the man he came to love to such lengths?

After picking up the shirt, he sniffed it before coughing from the assault on his senses. The chemical residue was still slowly corroding the edges. "Get this to the medical team. They'll probably need to know what burned him." He said to an ANBU, handing the shirt over. Now he just needed to figure out where Shizuka had disappeared to.

As soon as Kakashi stepped outside of the building, it became evident quickly where Shizuka had gone to. The earth shook like only a strong Justu could make it shake, and it seemed to originate from beyond the other side of the village. The flaring Chakra were also good guidelines.

"Kakashi, good. What's the status?" Sarutobi asked. An ANBU had reported to him that the operation was bigger then they had initially thought and he had mobilised additional ANBU, along with himself. "We swept the building. The only one left is Danzo, but he and Shizuka disappeared somewhere. Shizuka is injured, but I didn't see the full extend of it." Kakashi quickly summarised. He didn't want to stop moving, he wanted to go help Shizuka.

Another shutter could be felt underneath their feet and both looked at the point of origin. "I need to get to him." Kakashi said, not moving his eyes from his target, despite it being beyond point of view.

"Yes, let's go." Sarutobi said and with that, Kakashi was running, followed by the Hokage and his team.

They landed just in time to see Shizuka run at Danzo with a charged Rasengan. Minato's Rasengan. It blew up, taking the shape of a Shuriken, but still in complete control by Shizuka. Shizuka, who now looked vaguely reminiscent of Jiraya in some way, raw power emanating from his very being.

It was a hit to kill, no doubt, but Shizuka didn't kill Danzo with it. Instead, it cut through Danzo and took off his arm. Kakashi was confused by the move. Why not go for the kill? Shizuka was able, yet chose to let Danzo live?

Shizuka jumped back, breathing hard. He held his burned arm away from his body a little and his other hand was hovering over his burned side, like he wanted to clutch it due to the pain, but kept himself from doing so. The shaking with every breath told Kakashi Shizuka was at his end, and was pushing through once again solely on will power. How Kakashi wished he knew more about what drove Shizuka, what secrets were still kept from him, but again he settled for hoping to know more one day, and trusting Shizuka to be honest about everything he could share.

Kakashi jumped towards Shizuka, half expecting the other to lean against him and finally give in to his injury, but Shizuka's eyes remained on Danzo. There was still purpose in his eyes and that kept him going. "Come on, you're done." Kakashi said to him in a calm tone. Shizuka shook his head and remained focussed. "You need to be treated." This time a nod was his answer, but also a quick gesture, telling him 'almost done'.

Shizuka started walking towards Danzo. Danzo had stood down. For a moment Kakashi wondered if Shizuka was going to complete his mission with the arrest of Danzo, but he had seen something different in Shizuka's eyes.

It wasn't until the very last second that Kakashi saw the true intent. Shizuka ran his Katana through Danzo's heart without any sign of remorse. Kakashi, Sarutobi and a few ANBU flinched and grimaced at the sudden action.

Shizuka turned his attention to the severed arm, and Kakashi had had enough. He knew Shizuka was purpose driven, but this was beyond reasonable. Kakashi felt angry towards Shizuka, but once again Shizuka surprised him with the reason for his persistence. The vail with the pink liquid, actually several vails, popped out of yet another hidden seal, and with precision that could have been surgical Shizuka removed the eyes from Danzo's arm.

"Shizuka, you're done. Others can do this for you." Kakashi almost begged. It hurt him to see Shizuka so hurt, yet still not giving up. Instead of pushing again, Kakashi stood beside him in silence, ready to catch Shizuka should he fall.

"Shizuka, enough. You need to stop now." Kakashi said, sternness in his voice after the last viable eye had been secured. Shizuka nodded and sagged through his legs, sitting down, and finally allowing himself to show his fatigue and the effects of his injuries. "Reckless bastard." Kakashi said, kneeling down next to Shizuka. Shizuka managed a weary grin and a slow nod in response.

The medical team quickly swamped them, forcing Kakashi away from Shizuka in favour of more space for medical treatment. The conclusion was hospitalisation. Shizuka was taken away before Kakashi had a chance to force his company onto them.

"Kakashi. We need to talk." Sarutobi approached him. The old man looked older than Kakashi had ever seen him as Sarutobi eyed his dead former team mate. "It might be overdue to inform you on certain issues. And I want Shizuka to tell you a lot himself, but there are a few basic things that I want to discuss with you now that this business is finished." Again Sarutobi's gaze drifted to Danzo. There was sadness in his eyes, and resentment, both aimed at the same person. Kakashi could only imagine the betrayal he must feel knowing his former team mate had gone against him and the village the way Danzo had done. It also partially explained why Sarutobi had been so blind to the truth about Danzo.

They walked back together, frequently interrupted by questions from ANBU and members of the medical team.

"Kakashi, I'm sure you have a lot of questions by now. Especially concerning Shizuka." Sarutobi said.

"It's hard not to have questions when it comes to Shizuka. I'm sure you have questions as well, despite knowing a lot more than I do." Kakashi answered. They walked a steady pace through the village. It felt pleasant and calm despite the recent events. "I suppose you're not going to delve too deep into this either? Something is going on and it's big, but if it's personal to Shizuka, I'd rather wait to hear it from himself. That is, if you allow him to speak about it."

"Speak. Funny that you say it like that. That is one of the issues I wanted to talk to you about. If there was a chance for Shizuka to regain his voice, what would you be willing to do for it?" Sarutobi asked, eying Kakashi to see how he would react.

Kakashi stopped dead in his tracks. "Is that even possible?" He asked, almost whispering and wide eyed.

Sarutobi stopped as well, facing Kakashi. "Well, it seemed he never had any medical treatment for his throat. Or the scar that goes with it. I also know the boy is incredibly fast when it comes to healing on his own, but that doesn't mean he can't be helped beyond that, don't you agree?"

"Yes!" Kakashi exclaimed. "Uh, I mean, yes." He said a bit more calmly. "But again, how would that be possible? Is there anyone that's even able to do something like that?" He asked in a fake calm voice. He wanted to know more. No, he needed to know exactly what he could do to set this into motion. He needed this for Shizuka, and for himself.

Sarutobi chuckled. "It seems I can trust you to do anything for Shizuka. That's good. Because I want this to be kept secret from him. There is a good chance that we can help him. The problem is going to be getting him to the help, or getting the help here. Either way, we need to start looking for Tsunade."

"Tsunade? Your student and one of the Sanin?" Kakashi asked. He had not expected that, but if there ever was going to be someone that could help Shizuka, it would be her.

"Yes, her. Jiraya is going to be here soon in preparation of the next mission. It'll be a good chance to ask him for information on her whereabouts. I will be sending Shizuka out with Jiraya and during that same time, I will be sending you after Tsunade. If everything goes right, when Shizuka arrives back, Tsunade will be able to start treatment." Sarutobi ended with a smile that reached his eyes.

Kakashi nodded, feeling excited and giddy at the prospect.

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