XXXX: Close Together

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Kakashi didn't waste any time. The words from Shizuka were echoing through his mind, spurring him on even more than his dreams could ever have. His hand disappeared under Shizuka's shirt, needy for more skin contact. He found the scars he knew so well by now, the soothing warmth of skin and the hard muscles underneath.

He felt a shudder run through Shizuka at his touch and he smirked while kissing Shizuka's neck. Damn, was Shizuka responsive and Kakashi only wanted to draw out more. His own breath wasn't that controlled either. "I've been dreaming about this for a long time." He whispered against the sensitive skin underneath Shizuka's ear.

"I know." Shizuka answered, dropping his head back and wrapping his arms around Kakashi's neck so he could bury his hands into Kakashi's hair.

Kakashi leaned back a little to look at Shizuka. "What do you mean, you know?" Kakashi asked a little confused.

A mischievous grin appeared on Shizuka's face. "I told you." Shizuka said and pulled himself up to kiss Kakashi in an attempt to move past the question.

"Oh, no. You can't distract me with kisses." Kakashi said sternly, placing his arm across Shizuka's chest and pushing him back to the floor a bit. "Come on, tell me."

Shizuka rolled his eyes and, without effort, he flipped them over, making him the one on top and leaning down on Kakashi. "Well, I don't sleep as much as you think I do..." Shizuka leaned in as close as he could without their lips touching. "And you talk in your sleep... Well... You do a little more than just talking..." He whispered. The words had barely left his mouth when he let his lips land on Kakashi's and he drowned Kakashi's response in the kiss.

Shizuka trailed kisses to Kakashi ear. "Wanna act some of it out?" He offered again. Kakashi let out a strangled noise and he was a little grateful Shizuka had closed the distance between them again, so Shizuka couldn't see the embarrassment adorning his face at the moment.

It only took a few seconds for Kakashi to find his confidence again, sitting up and then standing up, picking Shizuka up in the process. The amount of trust Shizuka showed by just letting Kakashi do that without showing any fear of falling put a smile on Kakashi's face. He carried Shizuka over to the bed. Along the way, Shizuka pulled his shirt over his head, removing the item completely before moving on to the next object that was in the way of more skin contact. Kakashi's clothing was discarded equally fast and by the time Shizuka's back landed on the soft comfort of the bed, they were both naked.

The new skin contact made them both greedy. Hands running over bare skin wasn't enough anymore. Just kissing wasn't enough anymore. They were both greedy for more contact, more connection. A deeper way to feel each other, beyond the barrier of skin and words.

Kakashi guided Shizuka into total submission. It was liberating the way he could surrender to Kakashi without feeling strained or unsafe. It didn't take more than a touch for Shizuka to react to Kakashi's guiding hands, making everything feel gentle as well as passionate.

The feeling of Kakashi's hand and mouth on his intimate areas made his head swim and he was unable to restrain the sounds Kakashi drew out of him, even when they hurt his throat. It felt weird and it felt good. The slightly painful pressure from Kakashi's fingers was quickly replaced by pleasure he hadn't imagined before. Combined with Kakashi's mouth it was an intensity that quickly edged Shizuka closer to a point of ecstasy. "Kakashi..." He panted out, digging his fingers into Kakashi's hair as a shudder ran through him deeply and intensely.

Before he fully realised what had happened, Kakashi's lips were on his, and the pleasurable pressure of his fingers was replaced with something more intense and more intimate. Shizuka clung to Kakashi at the new feeling and the adjustment he needed to make. At first, Shizuka's eyes were wide open while he dropped his head back, his fingers digging into Kakashi's shoulders. The feeling was paralysing and slight panic wrenched his gut, but strong arms wrapped around him, supporting him and keeping him safe, while Kakashi stopped any further movement. After a few breaths, Shizuka closed his eyes and hid his face in Kakashi's neck.

He nodded, encouraging Kakashi to move again while he braced himself, but Kakashi was slow and gentle about it, enough so for Shizuka to feel able to relax again, making it easier for both of them. The gentleness only lasted until Shizuka let out a deep moan and started moving his hips against Kakashi's. Just like with their first kiss, it broke a dam and Kakashi took full advantage of the acceptance from Shizuka.

Not one movement went unnoticed between them. Every touch, every kiss, every stroke was intense and special, just between them, and every move made it more intense. Shizuka moaned and whimpered underneath Kakashi's attention as Kakashi grunts and moans amplified his rhythmic movement.

The rhythmic movement changed now and then, their bodies finding new ways to fit together until the moment the rhythm was replaced by a mutual shudder running through their very core. The almost involuntary spasm left them both exhausted but blissful.

Kakashi leaned on his elbows to keep his weight off of Shizuka, but Shizuka wrapped his arms around Kakashi's neck, pulling him down. Kakashi's full weight against him held a sense of security that he needed to ground himself again after the intensity not a moment ago.

After catching their breath a little, Kakashi rolled onto his side, pulling Shizuka with him so they were face to face. With a lazy hand, Kakashi stroked some hair out of Shizuka's face, smiling when their eyes met. A smile mirrored by Shizuka before he closed his eyes and curled up against Kakashi's chest in tired bliss. Kakashi wrapped his arms around him and just held him for a while. "Don't fall asleep yet. We need a shower." Kakashi said but made no further effort to actually act on his words.

"Yeah." Shizuka said, followed by a small cough at feeling the irritation in his throat, reminding him that it wasn't fully healed and that probably the forceful sounds hadn't been beneficial for his voice.

It took another moment for them to pry themselves off each other. Kakashi struggled to stand up, intending to run a bath for them. His walk towards the bedroom door was stiff and sore. Yeah, in the heat of the moment everything was fine. Now that things had calmed down, his injuries were begging for rest and getting up made everything hurt again.

Shizuka sat on the edge of the bed and chuckled to himself, shaking his head at seeing Kakashi stumble towards the door. Kakashi turned and walked back to the bed, kneeling in front of Shizuka and wrapping his arms around him. He looked up at Shizuka, nothing but love showing in his eyes. "What are you laughing at?" Kakashi asked gently, placing his head against Shizuka's chest. The beat of his strong heart was music to his ears. Shizuka's arms wrapped around him immediately, fingers disappearing into his hair, combing through it and tugging at it gently. Kakashi closed his eyes at the feeling. It was bliss.

"I was just thinking." Shizuka said, his voice still a little creaky and irritated. "I think I pulled a muscle just now." He said trying to suppress a smile. Kakashi hummed to indicate he was listening. "And you had trouble standing up because of your injuries and what we just did, didn't really help those." Kakashi looked up curious to see where the train of thought would end. "I just thought we look like two old men together." Shizuka laughed again. "I wouldn't mind being that one day with you." Shizuka added smiling, half amused and half-serious.

"I wouldn't mind that either."

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