X: More troubles

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They were back quick enough. With nothing pushing Shizuka to hurry the travels were light. It was late at night when they returned to Konoha. Shizuka walked to his apartment and Kakashi followed. A report needed to be written. Shizuka didn't want to use signs if he didn't have to. Didn't want to show his tremor, even to those that knew about it and so the Hokage would have to settle for a written report.

Kakashi stopped at the door. Shizuka walked inside without a sign of goodbye and left the door open. After a moment's hesitation, Kakashi followed him inside. 

The apartment was as blank as it had been the first day. Nothing indicated a resident save for the sheer volume of scrolls, notes and books haphazardly stacked onto the desk, the chair and the floor around it. Kakashi had known Shizuka took notes in the library, but not to this extent. Where had he even found the time? Between the time spent together in the library and the time spent together wandering Konoha, it seemed Shizuka must have utilized the nights for study as well. What the blond was biting into, he didn't know. 

The door to the bedroom was ajar, and Kakashi couldn't surpress the urge to peek inside. Much like he expected, the bedroom seemed unused. "Shizuka..." He trailed off, looking at his companion. He was met with a nervous smile and an apologetic scratch behind the head. Kakashi rolled his eyes at him. "If you have trouble sleeping, maybe the hospital can mean something for you. Or Yamanaka-san." Shizuka shook his head, closing his eyes and looked away. 

Kakashi sighed. "Alright." He studied Shizuka for another moment, but the other man had seated himself at his desk, already writing himself a sore wrist to finish the report. "You want some food? I could cook something quick." He offered. Shizuka's shoulders tensed ever so slightly before he shrugged. Kakashi nodded and entered the kitchen. Not unexpected, the cupboards contained little more than instant food of some variety. He didn't comment. Kakashi was just happy to see there was food in the house at all. He did make a mental note to take Shizuka out for food more often. Ramen seemed to be a good option, even if Shizuka had seemed nervous to go there for some reason.

Kakashi placed the cup of instant ramen on the desk and sat himself on the couch with his own. Long after he finished his own Shizuka's cup was still half full. "Shizuka." The scribbling halted and tired eyes met his. "Eat." Determined, but caring, he stared Shizuka down. It seemed to take a moment for Shizuka to realise what Kakashi meant. His gaze moved to the desk and found the forgotten ramen. Shizuka didn't feel like eating, but the stare on the back of his head left little choice.

He picked up the cup and sat back, stirring the content with the provided chopstick. It was luke-warm by now, arguably cold by some standards. He downed in one gulp, cringing as the cold noodles slipped through his throat, but it brought a smile to Kakashi's face which made it worthwhile.

To his regret, it turned out Kakashi had been waiting for him to finish the meagre meal. "Good. I'll leave you to get some sleep. Let's meet tomorrow at eight to turn in the report." Shizuka clenched his jaw to hide his disappointment. He didn't want to be alone. Even if Kakashi were to sleep in his bed with the door closed, leaving him at his desk, it would still be better than being alone. But instead of conveying his feelings, he nodded at Kakashi with a blank expression and got up to open the door.

Kakashi stopped and turned around to face Shizuka. He grabbed Shizuka by the back of his neck, leaning his wrist on his shoulder, looking him dead in the eyes. "You get some sleep, you hear me?" Shizuka swallowed. The intensity and care within that eye was hard to handle. Also hard to deny, and thus Shizuka nodded. Promising something he knew he probably couldn't do yet was going to try his hardest for. "Good. I'll come by to pick you up tomorrow." Kakashi walked away.

Shizuka walked to the bedroom, but did not enter. He closed the door and instead laid down on the couch on his side, facing the backrest. Maybe if he didn't sleep in a room designed for it, nightmares would stay at bay. There was no logic, just some peace of mind. Maybe. He knew it didn't make a difference. He knew he wouldn't sleep. But resting, for however long he could, did make him feel better. Kakashi would have to take this as a promise fulfilled. Sleep kept pulling on him, but he never felt himself slip into it.

He did sleep, though. It was Kakashi's knocking that woke him up. His mind felt groggy, his heart was racing and his breath was fast. It felt like he had been in the beginning of a nightmare, but he was woken before it turned into terror. Thankfully.

Another knock brought him staggering towards the door. His muscles did not agree with being awake, the stiffness in them was making him disbalanced.

"Yo." Kakashi greeted. "You're looking dreadful this morning." Shizuka rolled his eyes and raised an eyebrow. The silver haired man carried too much luggage for just reporting to the Hokage. "Time for breakfast." Kakashi said, holding up the unmarked white paper bag, before pushing his way inside. With a sigh, Shizuka followed and went to take a shower.

The shower was short and cold, but did miracles for the cold sweat and sticky hair. He came into the kitchen to find a spread of different foods and a waiting Kakashi. The numerous take-away containers indicating Kakashi stopped at more than one place. "I didn't know what you prefer, so pick your favorite." Shizuka took a little of everything to which Kakashi rolled his eyes. He had hoped to learn the others preference.

Shorty after, they were at the doors to the Hokage's office. Shizuka stopped short, his knuckle hovering over the door in his attempt to knock. Intently listening, he stood absolutely still save for the tremor in his raised hand. The murmured voices Kakashi could barely make out were enough for Shizuka to follow the conversation behind the door in detail. 

With every passing second, Shizuka's face settled into a deeper scowl until his eyebrow actually twitched in annoyance. Instead of finally finishing his knock, he kicked the door open and barged with as much sound and bravado his silent body could make. Both elder men startled at the sudden interruption, with Danzo glaring at him mercilessly as a way to recover. The anger and annoyance was gone from Shizuka's face, replaces by a wide smile and happy eyes. It didn't look unnatural on him, but Kakashi couldn't image this expression being genuine. Not now.

With a flourish the report landed on the Hokage's desk before Shizuka turned around and returned the glare. He had forgotten about Danzo, hadn't shared information on the man with Jiji yet. An oversight, but hopefully with minimum consequences.

"Who are you?" Danzo asked, scrutinizing the odd-looking man.

"This man is Uzumaki Shizuka, cousin to Uzumaki Kushina." Sarutobi introduced him. "He is consulting me on some matters and attending to them as well." 

Danzo turned his attention to Sarutobi. "Is it really wise to trust such a stranger? Do you have any grounds to believe anything he says?"

"I do." Sarutobi answered simply, but Danzo didn't lighten up.

"Maybe I should be involved in that judgement. And in that of our other Uzumaki. I implore you again, Sarutobi, to give me the boy for training. It'll be better for us all to have more control." Danzo insisted. Shizuka cocked his head. He never realised Danzo had been after him, but in retrospect that was logical. Still, it didn't sit well with him. The power hungry basterd had no limits in what he would do and it seemed only Sarutobi had protected him from a fate similar to Sai's.

He glared at the man again. Hard enough to gain Danzo's attention. "I image you disagree as well? Everyone always does, but in interest of keeping our village powerful, we need to have complete control over the Jinchuuriki." Danzo watched to see if there was surprise on the newcomer's face, but there wasn't.

Instead, Shizuka raised his hand, pointed at Danzo, hit the back of his left hand against the palm of his right, followed by forming a W with his left fingers while grabbing his left thumb with his right hand. He then proceeded to point a thumb over his shoulder to indicate he wanted Danzo to leave. In essence, he signed 'Danzo, you piece of shit, get out.' with a stone cold, serious expression. Kakashi watched wide eyed, before choking on a laugh, Sarutobi had trouble keeping a straight face as well and Danzo turned several shades of red, sputtering at the insult.

Without giving Danzo another look, Shizuka proceeded to make his report to the Hokage with the same big smile as before. Only when Sarutobi acknowledged Shizuka's rude request and asked Danzo to leave did the man leave the room, but not without a grudge. Shizuka explained after that what Danzo had done to earn such treatment from him. The uncovering of the Root and the Sharingan collection of Danzo was enough for Sarutobi to make plans to halt the operations that he never sanctioned. He would not be sorry to see Danzo fall.

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