V: The Beginning

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Shizuka walked towards the high rising gates that were once so familiar and now seemed out of place. He could see them though the trees, yet they were only barely visible. They shouldn't be there. He had watched them be destroyed. No, he wasn't supposed to be there, yet he was. He drew in a breath, deep and long, before slowly letting it slip from his lungs again. Was he going to be able to do this? To see the ghosts of his past? Younger and undamaged, so far away from where he was now?

The steps he now took were more calculated, slow and steady, unlike the thousents of steps he had taken in the haste to get here. For the last few weeks he had been in such a hurry. Now, it seemed like he got here too fast and needed to buy time to collect himself. Really, there was not much to collect, but still it took time. The small fragments would splinter even further if handled too roughly.

He found the sight even more painful then he anticipated. The guards made an all too familiar sight, sleeping in their booth. Izumo and Kotetsu. They didn't seem any older or younger then his first true memory of them.

Shizuka stopped, unable to walk on until this sight had settled in his mind. The gates and the wall, the booth and the guards, the trees and the houses. The life all around him. It all seemed right, normal. It all seemed to be like it had been in his long forgotten happy memories that now came crashing back. It left him breathless and it took time to overcome it. He felt the tremor in his hands worsen, one that had started and hadn't lessened since Hinata had been torn away from them. Like all his friends deaths, it had been a cruel and extended death, but unavoidable. She died as she lived, caring for others and fighting for her place to exist, only to be culled by Madara moments after the battle seemed to have finally found respite. He had cut her deep and then let her fall before disappearing himself. It had been silent, even her scream had been cut off, so it took time, precious seconds that would have been needed to save her, before the realisation that she had been cut down settled in. Sakura poured in more chakra then she could afford in the effort to save her. Naruto had transferred as much as he dared give as well, but even in all their efforts, death was inevitable. His hands coated in blood wouldn't be steady anymore. Every drop spilled after that moment only seemed to enforce the tremor and now his hands were never still.

Izumo awoke and realised that Shizuka was standing not far away. Shizuka watched as Izumo woke up his everlasting companion and pointed towards him. It seemed to break the spell that he had been under and he meandered over to the booth.

Izumo and Kotetsu took in the stranger in front of them. A young male with fiery red and yellow hair. Even in the braid that hung over his shoulder it reached his waist. His eyes seemed to be as much a mix of two colours as his hair was, red and blue dancing around each other with slitted pupils in the middle. For as far as they could see, his face was gaunt, malnurished, and his skin pale and placid. He was all but skin and bones, but with how he stood in front of them it seemed to scarcely bother him. A tattered black scarf covered most of his face. Everything from his mouth down was covered, yet he was barefoot. A katana rested diagonally on his back and a wakizashi horizontally across the small of his back. The daishō was mismatched and the wakizashi had a little decorative bell hanging on the end of it.

They fired basic questions at him, name, village, his business, but for all the answers they wanted, they only got a blank stare. He didn't know what to say. He didn't know what name to give, what village to align to or what he came to do here, now. This wasn't his place, and this wasn't his village. It wasn't his time. But he needed to be here, to find a home.

He cocked his head, staring at the men that still pressed him for answers he couldn't give. Izumo and Kotetsu looked at each other once again, before one disappeared and the other seemed to get ready to defend against this unknown threat.

It took a lot, just standing there, glancing at the village of forgotten memories. With effort he kept his breath steady as the familiar sound of everyday life cut into the depths of his soul, crushing him further.

Kotetsu was wary, but seemed layed back. The newcomer seemed nervous, so he kept his prying gaze off him. It only took a few minutes for Izumo to return, a Jounin in tow. A very familiar Jounin. Silver gray hair partially covered by a slated headband, hands in pockets and seemingly slouched. Kakashi. Shizuka had to avert his eyes from the sight. Kakashi! Alive, breathing, moving. His eye carefully trained on the strange man that did everything to avoid the gaze.

Kakashi walked up to him, standing a little closer then was usual, but still far away enough to respect the other's space. Shizuka chewed the inside of his cheek, still determined to look away, but curiosity got the best of him. He glanced, raising a hand in greeting. Then he quickly snapped it back to his side. The tremor ever-present making him self-consious. He watched Kakashi cock his head, leaning in a little closer. "Do I know you..?" He drawled. Shizuka shook his head hesitently. Kakashi didn't know him. That feeling cut deeply through him. He was unknown to those he held most dear. They were his precious people, but he wasn't theirs.

He fought tears, but his face remained blank. Trained and hardened over years of war left his face barren of the turmoil on the inside. Kakashi cocked his head again, seeming to reach a conclusion. "Follow me." He said, turned around and walked into Konoha. Shizuka took a deep, silent breath, before setting out after him.

Silently they made their way through the village. Every street familiar and recognition haunting his mind with every step. Everything was still here. Everything was the same, but non of it was truly his. It hurt. It hurt so much to be here again, but at the same time he felt so relieved.

The route taken was longer than it should have been. Kakashi made an effort to guide Shizuka through the village as if he was giving a tour. Neither spoke, but the soft hum of understanding filled the void and twarted awkwardness from buidling up. It was almost comfortable as they walked on, together.

Kakashi guided Shizuka along practical sights. Shopping district, training areas and official locations. He didn't lead, Shizuka didn't follow. They just walked, side by side. Kakashi wondered why Shizuka seemed so familiar, yet looked around in such wonderment.

They arrived at the Hokage tower. Kakashi gave a cheeky grin behind the cloth before jumping up to the roof. Shizuka almost smiled and followed. He cocked his head at Kakashi as the man opened the window and entered, not even a knock. Skizuka followed him in.

He avoided looking at the man behind the desk. Nerves were coiling in his gut, imparing his ability to breath. Jiji... The man that gave him his first experience with death. And it had been his fault.

Sarutobi cleared his throat, demanding his attention. He felt scared, slightly panicked. Trapped. He wasn't ready. He needed time. He didn't want this confrontation yet.

But he needed to face this. It was expected. Taking a deep breath, he raised his eyes, meeting the sparking eyes he so dearly remembered. Shizuka held his ground, suppressing his fear. He nodded towards the old man, who nodded back.

"Shall we start with introductions? I am Sarutobi Hizuren, Third Hokage of Konoha. I assume the man next to you failed to introduce himself on a brilliant feat of laziness. He is a Jounin by the name Hatake Kakashi. Now, who are you?"

Shizuka gave an awkward smile. With a quick motion, he crossed his throat with a finger. Only when Kakashi and hidden ANBU jumped between him and the old man did he realise his stupidity for using that gesture. He help up his hands and pulled down his scarf, revealing the scar running further into his clothing, leaving the severity of it to wonderment.

The Hokage motioned his guards away. "Mute?" Shizuka nodded. Sarutobi slid a piece of paper and a pen to the edge and gestured for Shizuka to come closer.

In elegant handwritting Shizuka wrote 'Heritage: Uzumaki, Bingo book page 3: Shizukana Shi.' As soon as the pen left the paper, the tremor was back and he dropped the pen. With an nervous smile he slid it back.

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