16. I'm A Sucker

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Everyone's mouth hung open as we entered the classroom.

The guys whistled.

One even asked if I could wear his underwear which then resulted to Parker punching him in the face.

The girls all glared at me and began to talk in whispers about how I was such a slut.

Although I am far from one where as they are walking STD's!

Parker and I walked to the back of the class and sat down next to Logan.

"Who's underwear is that?" Logan asked in annoyance.

I wonder why he's annoyed.

Maybe STD tried to touch him or something and that pissed him off.

"Brooks." Parker said with smirk.

"Why do you have his underwear on?" Logan asked, turning to face me with his hands clenched.

"Well I thought it would be funny to see everyone reaction and Parker here is paying me two hundred dollars for this." I said with a grin.

I'm pretty sure a lot of people would do this for two hundred dollars. If not there is something wrong with you. I mean TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS PEOPLE!

"You need to change." Logan demanded.

Okay what was his problem?

We literally just met and he's telling me off about my choice in clothing?

"Oh let her be, it's just for the day." Parker said, leaning back in his chair.

Thank you Parker!

Logan faced forward with a hard look on his face.

I looked at Parker questioningly as he shrugged back in response.

"Hey are you okay?" I asked, reaching out to touch his arm.

"I'm fine." He answered, still facing forward.

Okay clearly he isn't fine.

Why do people even say that anyway?Like oh yeah I'm fine and then the next minute they're like no I'm freaking pissed.

Like why didn't you just say that from the beginning?

"What's up your ass?" I asked.

Logan turned and looked at me and then turned back around.

Well that was rude.

If he didn't want to talk to me he could have just said that.

Suddenly I was tapped on the shoulder and looked up to see Parker.

"Come on, the bell rang." He said while picking up my bag.

Oh wow, I missed hearing the bell.

Lunch better hurry up.

All day.

Logan hasn't talked to me all day!

It turns out that Logan is in all my morning classes and he hasn't uttered a word to me!

It was finally lunch and I was walking to a table when Brooks called me over.

"Hey Ember! Over here!" He shouted, grinning.

Well at least I don't have to try and look for an empty table to sit at now.

Logan was seated beside him with a scowl on his face while Parker was seated across him trying to hit on some girl.

Poor girl.

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