20. Its Too Big

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"So what exactly are you and Tyler going to be doing?" Logan questioned as we exited out the school doors.

He had been asking me all day about what me and Tyler were going to do. It was honestly pretty annoying. I mean all the guy said was that we were going to hang out.

And why does he want to know so much?

With a sigh I turned around and faced Logan. "Honestly Logan I don't know wha-"

I was suddenly cut off by the sound of a engine.

Pulling up in front of me, Logan, and Parker was Tyler on a black shiny motorcycle.

Everyone turned and stared while Logan looked somewhat pissed with his clenched hands and jaw set.

Tyler took the helmet off and shook his hair while throwing me a grin. "Hey Ember, you ready?"

"Oh um yeah, sure." I said as I stumbled towards the bike.

I waved goodbye to Logan and Parker as I neared the bike.

Parker ended up yelling, and I quote: 'you go em' Ember!'

Logan just stared as Tyler grabbed the extra helmet and placed it on my head while making sure to slide the part on the helmet down.

As if Logan wasn't mad enough, Tyler ended up picking me up by my waist and placing me on the bike behind him.

"Hold on tight." Tyler said, throwing me a smirk.

I hesitantly placed my hands on his shoulders which resulted in him removing my hands and placing them around his waist.

And my golly was this dude fit!

I mean I could tell that he worked out but I didn't know that he worked out that much.

Oh my mother of sour patch kids, is that a six pack?!?

My arms stared to tighten around his waist a little more than needed and I swear I heard a slight chuckle before the bike shot out of the parking lot.

"You can let go now." Tyler said as he turned the bike off and took of his helmet.

"Oh yeah, right." I said with a nervous chuckle.

I quickly unwrapped my arms around his waist and hopped off the bike only to fall flat on my bum.

Tyler apparently thought that this was funny and instead of being the good gentlemen like he should have, he just laughed.

"Ha ha," I said sourly as I got up off the ground and brushed the dust off my pants.

"Oops, looked like you missed a spot," Tyler said smirking as he pointed to my bum. "Want some help with that."

"U-uhhh. No thanks, I-m I'm good." I nervously stuttered as a hint of red appeared on my cheeks and I quickly wiped the dust off.

"Anyway, where are we?" I questioned as I took in an old abandoned building.

"You'll see." He said as he grabbed my hand and led me inside the building.

People were everywhere.

It looked like part of a gym.

"Wait. What are we doing at a gym? Are you trying to tell me that I'm fat or something?" I asked.

Because if this dude was about to tell me that I was fat it was going down.

Well actually nothing was probably going to go down because Tyler is very much bigger than me.

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