21. Heart Flutter

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"Hey baby." A random guy called out.

It was the fifth time sense I exited the bathroom that some guy had cat called at me.

It was honestly so embarrassing.

I mean yeah I get it. I'm a female in a sports bra and short shorts but that doesn't mean you have to cat call at her because you think she 'looks good'.

"Hey there you are. What took you so long?" Tyler said as I approached him in the open space of the gym.

"I got lost." I mumbled as I looked down.

Tyler chuckled before responding. "How'd you get lost? I told you it was down the hall."

"I don't even know," I said with a sigh as I ran a hand through my hair.

Tyler shook his head before chuckling again.

It was then that I noticed his attire.

He had a pair of shorts on that showed that V part that all the guys seem to have.

To make matters worse he also didn't have a shirt on. Surprisingly he had loads of tattoos that made me want to reach out and touch them.

"I know I'm hot but you don't have to state that hard." Tyler said with a smirk, making me look up and glare at him.

"Don't go getting a big head, I was admiring your tattoos." I said as I crossed my arms across my chest.

He gave me a disbelieving look before shaking it off.

"Well I know you're probably wondering why your here and blah blah. But my sources tell me that you get picked on a lot and school and that you most recently got in a fight. Well your here so that I can teach you how to properly fight."

"And you're doing this because?" I questioned as I shuffled to put my weight on my other foot.

"Well we're friends and I don't let my friends get beat up and pushed around." He said throwing me a grin that made my heart flutter.

Wait what? Heart flutter?

Oh gosh. I can't be falling for Tyler. No no no. Maybe it's just the air in here. Yeah it's the air.

"Well okay." I replied.

"Alright now first things first-"

"I'm the realist." I said, cutting him off. "I'm sorry I had to."

He chucked before continuing. "Like I was saying, first you need to know how to stand. Now make sure to spread your feet apart, bend your knees a little and lean forward." He said while demonstrating.

Feet apart, knees bent, and lean forward. Okay I got it. We got this Ember, we got this.

I did as instructed while Tyler shook his head.

"No that's too stiff and awkward looking. You need to relax a little." He said while walking over.

"Here." He then placed his hand amongst my back and pushed it forward.

He then bent down to where my feet were and spread them apart even more while pulling at my knees making me bend them even more.

"That's better." He said while smiling up at me.

"Now when you're in a fight you don't want them to hit you in your face so you ball your fist up and hold your arms in front of your face. But make sure when you do this you don't cover up your eyes so you can't see." He said while demonstrating and placing his arms over his eyes.


Or I guess that's what it's called. This was never in the books that I've read.

I did as told and made a fist only to have Tyler grab my wrist and stop me.

"Your making your fist wrong. Your thumb doesn't go on the outside when you make a fist because you could break it, it goes on the inside." He said, tucking my thumb on my palm and curling my fingers over it while tracing small patters with his thumb causing me to blush.

Curse my pale skin.

He probably thinks I'm some weird freak now. Or he just thinks that it's just really hot in this gym and it's only affecting me.

The whole time we spent going over moves and Tyler correcting me when I didn't do them right.

"Alright that's all for today. I'll teach you more next time." He said while taking a sip of water from his bottle.

"Okay cool."

Being with him teaching me moves wasn't honestly that bad. It was kind of fun.

I mean I was actually doing something on a Friday instead of staying home and watching cancelled shows on Netflix.

"You can go get changed and then we'll leave." He said while walking me to the bathroom.

Quite the gentlemen.

He started to get irritated as we left the part we were at and guys kept whistling.

At one point he almost fought a guy. Yeah that part wasn't pretty.

I quickly slipped on the clothes I had on before I came before exiting the bathroom.

During that time Tyler had changed as well.

"You ready?" He asked.

I nodded in response and he put and arm around me as turned to leave.

"Leaving already." A voice said.

I turned around to see the guy from earlier.


"Hey Jeremy, what's up?" Tyler asked.

"Nothing much, I just wanted to know if you wanted to hang out tonight." Jeremy said while looking between the both of us.

"Well I promised Ember here that I'd do something with her today but maybe next time man." Tyler said.

"Alright see you man." Jeremy said as we left but not before giving me a hug.

The hug startled me so much that Tyler almost freaked out.

"So where to next?" I asked as when got outside and I got on the bike right behind him.

"We're going back to my house for now." He said with a grin.

With that he turned on the bike and sped down the street.

To Tyler's house we go.

Authors Note!

Hey guys! How have you been? Okay so before I say anything I just want to say thank you to those who have read this story. It honestly means a lot and I only thought it would get ten reads but now it has 1.01K. Anyway, how have you guys been? Easter is tomorrow, does anyone have any plans? Oh and quick disclaimer: I know nothing about fighting so if I said anything that was completely wrong I do apologize. Well make sure to vote and comment and I hope you have a nice day. Okay, peace

P.S. This isn't edited (like always)

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