26. Brooks With a Broom

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Ugh my head.

Groaning I placed a hand over my forehead and slowly rubbed.

I opened my eyes before quick shutting them, wincing. Yeah maybe I should have opened them slower.

Trying again, I slowly opened my eyes and looked around.

This is not my room.

Where am I?

I looked around and noticed that it was a guys room.

Oh my god, did I get drugged and some guy took me to his house and raped me? What if I got drunk and I ended up passing out on someone's lawn and they decided to bring me in their house and ended up raping me?

I hugged the near by pillow to my chest as I took a deep breath, calm down Ember.

A groan interrupted my internal thoughts.

"Not so hard cupcake." A husky voice mumbled as a head fell into the crook of my neck.

Wait, pause. A voice?

I looked over to see Tyler laying down next to me with no shirt on and his arm wrapped around my waist tightly.

I screamed loudly and shoved him off the bed, clutching the covers to my chest.

"Ow Ember what the hell?!?" Tyler growled on the floor.

"Why were we in the same bed?" I yelled.

Suddenly footsteps were heard and the door burst open, revealing Brooks with a broom in his hand and Parker with a knife.

"What's wrong? Is everything alright?" Parker asked frantically, searching around the room.

"It's nothing." Tyler grumbled, picking himself off the ground.

"Wait why were you on the floor?" Brooks asked.

"Because someone shoved me off of my bed." Tyler said, shooting me a glare as I looked down guilty.

"In my defense it's not everyday that I wake up in an unknown room with the opposition gender laying right next to me with no shirt on." I defended, crossing my arms.

Tyler rolled his eyes and turned to the guys. "Everything's fine, just go and check on Jake to see if he's up and okay."

The two hesitantly nodded, finally dropping their weapons and heading out the door.

"Wait Brooks," I said. "A broom? Really?"

Brooks stopped as his cheeks turned pink. "Hey at least I came to see what was wrong!" He defended.

Tyler chuckled as Brooks stomped out the room. "See ya later Harry Potter!"

"Wait why am I in your room? And how did I get in your bed? And who changed my clothes? And why didn't you have a shirt on? And why---"

"Cupcake, cupcake. One question at a time sweetheart, it's early." Tyler said cutting me off when a hand running down his face with a small smile.

"Wait what happened last night? And why do you keep calling me cupcake?" I asked, getting out of the bed.

"You don't remember anything?" Tyler asked, looking up.

"No, should I?" I asked concerned.

"Let's just say that I am never giving you anything caffeine related ever again." He said with a chuckle as he walked out his room to the bathroom.

"Wait what does that mean?" I asked, getting out of the bed and scrambling after him.

Suddenly I felt a quick breeze and saw that I was in a large t-shirt.

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